
来源 :中国城乡企业卫生 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jonathanwu
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滕州市卫生防疫站针对乡镇食品及公共场所卫生监督员少(每个乡镇仅1~2名兼职监督员),整体素质不高,多数专业基础理论较差,仅参加过公共场所卫生监督短期培训,对监督文书书写、监督监测程序、公共场所卫生管理知识掌握甚少,又兼职多,人员经常变换,队伍不稳定,难以很好地完成农村公共场所卫生管理工作。加上部分经营单位和从业人员对有关的法律法规认识不足,法制观念淡薄,对预防性健康查体缺乏应有的专业知识,因此从业人员查体办证率低、无证生产经营现象普遍存在,严重影响食品及公共场所卫生质量的提高。针对这种情况,试行由市卫生防疫站的卫生监督员集中下乡镇,在乡镇卫生院的配合下进行卫生监督执法的新举措。1998年4~6月对全市21个乡镇开展了食品卫生、公共场所集中式从业人员健康查体和证件办理等 The health and epidemic prevention stations in Tengzhou City have fewer health supervisors for food and public places in townships (only 1-2 part-time supervisors for each township). The overall quality is not high, most professional basic theories are poor, and only short-term training for public health supervision has been attended. There is little knowledge of supervised writing, supervision and monitoring procedures, and public health management knowledge in public places, and there are many part-time jobs. The personnel often change and the team is unstable. It is difficult to properly complete the health management of public places in rural areas. In addition, some business units and practitioners lack understanding of relevant laws and regulations, weak concept of the legal system, and lack of professional knowledge required for preventive health examinations. Therefore, practitioners have low rates of physical examination and unlicensed production and management. Seriously affect the improvement of food and public health quality. In view of this situation, the sanitation supervisors at the municipal health and epidemic prevention station will try to focus on the next township and carry out new measures for sanitation supervision and enforcement in coordination with township hospitals. From April to June 1998, food hygiene, food inspections and certificate processing for centralized employees were conducted in 21 towns and cities in the city.
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