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太原钢铁公司与北京钢铁设计研究总院联合开发的太钢3号高炉(1200m~3)炉身下部冷却壁软水闭路循环冷却系统投产近两年,运转正常。1989年4月28~30日冶金部科技司在太钢主持召开了对该系统的技术鉴定会。出席会议的有冶金部、山西肯冶金厅、各有关钢铁公司(厂)、科研设计研究院所、高等院校等24个单位近50名代表。软水闭路循环系统是冷却水在管路系统中完全密闭循环。本系统的冷却水采用锅炉软水,其工艺流程为:冷却水用循环泵增压(达0.39~0.58MPa),经给水主管输至炉前,分为两路支管及环管进入冷却壁,由冷却壁排出的水汇入两个环管,再经支管汇成一条回水主管,流过空冷换热器,经冷却降温后流回循环水泵增压后继续循环。与会代表们认真听取了太钢和北京钢铁设计研究总院同志所作的技术报告,到现场 Taiyuan Iron and Steel Company and Beijing Institute of Iron and Steel Design jointly developed TISCO No. 3 blast furnace (1200m ~ 3) lower part of the stave soft water closed-loop cooling system put into operation nearly two years, normal operation. April 28 ~ April 1989 Ministry of Metallurgical Science and Technology Division presided over the TISCO held a technical appraisal of the system. The meeting was attended by nearly 50 representatives from 24 units including the Ministry of Metallurgy, Shanxi Keny Metallurgical Hall, all relevant steel companies (factories), research and design institutes and institutions of higher learning. Soft water closed loop system is the cooling water in the pipeline system completely closed loop. The cooling water of the system adopts the soft water of the boiler, and the technological process is as follows: the cooling water is pressurized by a circulating pump (up to 0.39 ~ 0.58MPa), and is sent to the front of the furnace by the water supply supervisor, divided into two branch pipes and the loop pipe into the cooling wall, Cooling water discharged from the wall flows into the two loop tubes and then merges into a backwater main tube through the branch tubes and flows through the air-cooled heat exchanger. After cooling and cooling, the water flows back to the circulating pump and continues to be pressurized. Delegates listened carefully to the technical report made by Comrades TISCO and Beijing Institute of Iron and Steel Design and Research to the scene
冬季气候干燥,人体内的水分流失也随之加快。尤其是北方地区供暖后,不少人感觉口干舌燥、声哑干咳、皮肤干燥、尿少便秘的状况更加严重,这些都是身体发出的缺 Dry climate i