Zhangye area belongs to an inland desert climate with rare precipitation, large amount of evaporation and dry climate. The crops depend on the melting of snow and ice in the Qilian Mountains. As the ice and snow melt with the temperature changes. Early spring and early summer temperatures are low, the snow melts slowly, less water flow into the river, wheat seedling water is very tense. After June, the temperature will increase and the amount of water will increase. There will always be large quotas and multiple times on irrigation. Irrational irrigation methods such as “no water from the door”秕 cut production. One of the few dry years in the history of the whole region in 1978, the severe drought lasted for more than 150 days. 5. The flow of rivers in June and June decreased by 46% 8-50.3% over the same period of the previous year with a rainfall of 60% less than that of the previous year. However, wheat weighed one to two less water than in previous years