Safe and Objective Assay of Enterovirus 71 Neutralizing Antibodies via Pseudovirus

来源 :高等学校化学研究(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:po54321s
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Current serum neutralization assays based on the inhibition of the eytopathic effect(Nt-CPE) need to manipulate live viruses,which are time-consuming,labor-intensive,and have the potential exposure to infectious agents,so a safe and objective assay via pseudovirus for the fast and efficient detection of enterovirus 71(EV71 ) neutralizing antibodies was developed.First,we generated EV71 pseudovirus containing firefly luciferase gene in place of the capsid gene P1 in EV71 genome.Vero cells infected with 200 CCID50(50% cell culture infective dose) of EV71 pseudovirus for 24 h were found to have the best performance.Seval sera were measured by EV71 pseudoparticle neutralization assay(Nt-PPN) and the conventional serological method Nt-CPE.Neutralizing antibody titers measured by Nt-PPN and those obtained by Nt-CPE demonstrate a high correlation between the two methods.Overall,the PPN assay represents a valid alternative to conventional serological methods for the evaluation of EV71 neutralizing antibodies.This method can be used for detecting neutralizing antibodies of other picornaviruses,such as hepatitis A virus(HAV) and coxsackievirus 16(CVA16),and make it possible to determine whether there is cross-reactivity between EV71 and CVA16.
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