政府搭台 村镇唱戏 探索加快村镇建设的有效途径

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与张家港市交界的大义镇,是常熟的北大门。全镇总面积45.7平方公里,镇区1.1平方公里,下辖26个行政村、1个渔业村和3个居委会。全镇总人口36686人,其中镇区常住人口4060人。1995年,全镇实现工农业总产值18.75亿元,国内生产总值4.4亿元。 近几年来,我镇充分利用地处市郊和204国道、张家港航道横穿境内的独特区位优势,按照上级有关加强村镇现代化建设的一系列指示精神,突出以市委、市政府提出的“十个一工程”为建设重点,不断加大投入力度和加快建设步伐,村镇建设取得了新的突破,镇容镇貌发生了较大的变化。“八五”期间,全镇在村镇基础设施及公益事业、住宅建设等方面投资近1.5亿元,集镇区由1990年的0.44平方公里, Dayi Town, with the junction of Zhangjiagang City, is the north gate of Changshu. The town a total area of ​​45.7 square kilometers, the town 1.1 square kilometers, administered 26 administrative villages, a fishing village and 3 neighborhood. The town’s total population of 36686 people, including the resident population of 4060 people in the town. In 1995, the town achieved a total industrial output value of 1.787 billion yuan and a GDP of 440 million yuan. In recent years, the town has made full use of the unique geographical advantages of being situated in the suburbs and the State Road 204 and the Zhangjiagang Waterway across the territory. According to a series of instructions from the superior on strengthening the modernization of villages and towns, the “ Project ”for the construction of the focus, continue to increase investment and accelerate the pace of construction, village and town construction has made new breakthroughs, Zhen Rong appearance has undergone major changes. During the “Eighth Five-Year Plan” period, the town invested nearly 150 million yuan in infrastructure and public welfare undertakings of villages and towns, housing construction and other aspects, and the town area was 0.44 square kilometers in 1990,
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