
来源 :干旱地区农业研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rxw257
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用土柱栽培研究了施肥深度对旱地小麦花后根系干重及产量的影响 ,结果表明 :较深层次 (2 0 cm~ 40 cm)施肥 ,可增加中、下层根量及所占比例数 ,增加千粒重 ,稳定穗数和穗粒数 ,使籽粒产量中来自花后光合器官输送的比例增加 ,从而使产量提高 ,而对照 (0 cm~ 2 0 cm)施肥则与此相反 ,由此可以认为旱地小麦最适施肥深度应在 2 0 cm~ 40 cm,并可获得高产高效的结果 ,所以在旱地麦田应提倡分层深 (2 0 cm~ 40 cm)施肥。 The effect of fertilization depth on dry weight and yield of dry land wheat after anthesis was studied by soil column cultivation. The results showed that fertilization at deeper depth (20 cm ~ 40 cm) could increase the number of middle and lower roots and their proportion The 1000-grain weight, the number of stable spikes and the number of grains per spike led to an increase in the proportion of photosynthetic organs transported from the post-anthesis in the grain yield, which increased the yield, while the control (0 cm to 20 cm) The optimum fertilization depth of wheat should be between 20 cm and 40 cm, and high yield and high yield could be obtained. Therefore, stratified deep (20 cm ~ 40 cm) fertilization should be promoted in dryland wheat fields.
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通过对水稻育种成果及其经济效益分析 ,明确了水稻育种研究对农业科技进步的贡献 ,显示了合理的人才结构以及科技人员的素质对科研和生产的至关重要性 Through the analysis
《微电子学》是由四川固体电路研究所主办,并向国内外公开发行的科学技术刊物。《微电子学》创刊于1971年,国内统一连续出版物号:CN 50-1090/TN;国际标准连续出版物号:ISSN 1
近些年,苏联在改进矿物资源合理利用规划的制定和经济鼓励方面采取了一系列措施。从1975年开始,在苏联经济和社会发展 In recent years, the Soviet Union has taken a ser
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