On the Telephone Looking for a Hotel电话找酒店

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  Operator: Holiday Inn on 5th, how may I help you?
  Man: Hi, I need a room for the night. Can you tell me what you have available?
  Operator: Let me transfer you to reservations. Please hold.
  Woman: Reservations, can I help you?
  Man: Yes, I need a room for the night. What do you have?
  Woman: Do you need a single or double?
  Man: A double, my wife and I, for 2 nights.
  Woman: Ok, we have a double, queen bed, and garden view for $120 per night, and mountain view for $135 per night. Both include buffer breakfast for two. Would you like to make a booking?
  Man: Are there any taxes?
  Woman: Yes, total taxes come to $23.50.
  Man: Alright, that’s reasonable. I’ll take the garden view room. My name is Charles Hope and I should be there in about 5 minutes. Can you hold the room until then?
  Woman: Yes, I can hold the room for 1 hour. See you soon.
  接线员: 第五假日酒店,有什么可以帮您?
  男: 我想预定一间今晚的房间。请告诉我该怎么做?
  接线员: 我帮您转接客房预定部,请稍等。
  女: (客房预订部)请问有什么可以帮您?
  男: 我要订一间晚上的房间,可以吗?
  女: 单人间还是双人间?
  女: 好的,我们有双人间,里面有一张大号床,其中园林景观120美元每晚,高山景观135美元每晚,包含早餐。要预定吗?
  男: 有税吗?
  女: 税总共是23.5美元。
  男: 好的,价钱很合理。我预定园林景观房。我的名字是查尔斯·霍普,我五分钟后到,能帮我保留到吗?
  女: 是的,我将给您保留一个小时。一会见!
  reservation [5rezə'veiʃən] (n.) 预定
  The hotel provides a reservation of tickets for its residents.
  double ['dʌbl] (n.) 两倍
  He is my double, though we are not related.
  view [vju:] (n.) 视野,风景,见解
  The valley was hidden from view in the mist.
  buffet ['bʌfit, bʌ'fət] (n.) 自助餐
  We had a buffet supper last evening.
  reasonable ['ri:znəbl] (a.) 合理的,有道理的,适度,通情达理的
  The management took all reasonable safety precautions.
  hold [həuld] (v.) 握住,拿着,持有
  Hold yourself still for a moment while I take your photograph.
  我给你拍照的那一刹那, 你不要动。
  come to(v). 总计(苏醒,复原)
  The police launch hailed to us to come to.
  单人间single room带一张双人床的房间 double room, 带两张单人床的房间twin room,
  家庭套房family suite,小型公寓式套间studio room,总统套房presidential suite,
  蜜月套房honeymoon suite标准客房 Standard room高级客房 Superior room
  豪华客房 Deluxe room商务客房 Executive room商务套房 Executive studio
  行政套房 Executive suite
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Restaurant:Hello, Best Pizza, can I take your order?   Woman:Yes, I’d like to order two pizzas.  Restaurant:Fine. And what would you like?  Woman:First, I’d like a large pepperoni and mushroom with ex
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