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2016年1月15日,国家网信办就三项“突出问题”约谈了百度公司负责人。一边是企业切身的商业利益,另一边是公众利益,破解僵局的关键已不仅仅在百度自身。调研公司的数据显示,百度等4大搜索引擎占据了全球市场99%的份额,而其余3家企业全是美国公司。搜索引擎是高技术含量的行业,百度能在全球占据一席之地,足以证明能力超凡。能力越大,责任越大。但是这种责任,绝不能单纯依靠企业自律,更要靠依法合规的外在刚性 On January 15, 2016, the State Internet Information Office interviewed the head of Baidu for three outstanding issues. One side of the business interests of the immediate business, the other side is the public interest, the key to breaking the impasse has more than just Baidu itself. Research firm data show that Baidu and other four major search engines occupy 99% of the global market share, while the remaining three companies are all American companies. Search engine is a high-tech industry, Baidu can occupy a place in the world, sufficient to prove extraordinary ability. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. However, this responsibility must not rely solely on the self-regulation of enterprises, but on the external rigidity of compliance with laws and regulations
39岁就出任浪潮集团总裁的孙丕恕始终是一个技术人才,即便他的官场出位,也有赖于其对技术的死磕:他始终专注于中国信息产业核心设备的开发和应用,互联网+时代,他选择坐在云端,以便更好地感受风。  乌镇“年终秀”  刚刚过去的2015,浪潮集团董事长孙丕恕保持着很高的曝光率。他几次跟随习大大和李克强总理走出国门,跟微软、思科等成立合资公司,12月还参加了乌镇互联网大会。那天抵达乌镇西栅已经晚上七点多了,
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