
来源 :宁夏教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dh5601
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自治区成立三十年来,我区的普通教育经过艰难曲折的发展,取得了很大成就,现在,全区基本实现村村有小学,乡乡有完小或初中,县县有完中,初步建立了比较完整的学校教育体系和城乡教育网络。三十年来为高等学校、中等专业学校输送了大批合格新生,为全区培养了一大批社会主义劳动后备力量,初步改变了全区人民的科学文化素质,并为全区教育事业的不断向前发展打下了比较坚实的基础。 据1988年元月统计,全区共有幼儿园184所,小学附设学前班408个,在园幼儿35077人。幼儿园数比1958年增加了18倍,在教育质量、办园条件、师资力量等方面都较自治区成立时有了显著提高。 In the thirty years since the establishment of the autonomous region, the general education in our district has achieved great success through difficult and tortuous development. At present, the district basically achieves villages with primary schools, townships and villages have small or junior high schools, and counties and counties have completed, initially established. More complete school education system and urban and rural education network. In the past 30 years, a large number of qualified freshmen have been transported to higher education institutions and secondary specialized schools, and a large number of socialist labor reserve forces have been cultivated for the entire region. This has initially changed the scientific and cultural qualities of the people in the region and has continued to advance the education of the entire region. Development has laid a relatively solid foundation. According to the statistics of January 1988, there are 184 kindergartens in the district, 408 preschool classes are attached to elementary schools, and there are 35,077 children in the park. The number of kindergartens has increased by 18 times compared with 1958, and the quality of education, the conditions for running schools, the strength of teachers, etc. have been significantly improved when compared to the establishment of autonomous regions.
氧化——还原反应方程式的配平,在中学化学教学中是—个难点。我在多年教学实践中,采用了交叉系数配平法进行教学,效果较好,现介绍如下: 一、配平原理:(略) 二、配平步骤举
(continued from the 3-rd issue)You may decide that a list format is the best way to present a seriesof facts or questions.That is quite acceptable and is often