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马东终于做了进厂做普工的决定。作为一个公司的老板,很长一段时间以来,马东内心倍感虚无和麻木,他觉得自己的那颗心早已蒙上了一层厚厚的尘土。他需要清扫尘土,带着一丝急切。现在,他把车停放在车库,打的来到一个工业区,而后走上了一条小路。正是下午三点时分,烈日悬空,街道上人影寥落,偶尔有零星的车辆缓缓驶过,卷起一地的灰尘。走在街道旁,马东只听见一旁的工厂里发出轰隆的机器声。在烈日下没走几分钟,他便挥汗如雨。手中的农夫山泉残余着一小部分,他一口气喝完,随手丢进几米远的垃圾 Ma Dong finally made into the factory to do general workers decision. As a company owner, for a long time, Madon feel nocturnal and numb, he felt his heart already cast a thick layer of dust. He needs to clean up the dust with a hint of urgency. Now he parked the car in the garage, hitting an industrial zone and then walking down a path. It was 15:00 in the afternoon, the hot sun drooped, the streets sparsely, and occasionally sporadic vehicles slowly passing, rolled up a place of dust. Walking down the street, Madon heard only the sound of a roaring machine in the factory on the side. He did not go a few minutes under the hot sun and he sweated. Remnants of the hands of the Nongfushangquan a small part, he finished breath, readily thrown into the garbage a few meters away
美国1996年农业新法案及其影响中国常驻联合国粮农机构代表处美国于1996年4月颁布农业新法案,《联邦农业发展与改革法》(TheFederalAgricultureImprovementandReformACTof1996)。新法案的实施将进一步改... U.S. New Agriculture Act of 1
China is an old nation enjoying five thousand years of splendid civilization. But Chinese culture remains abstract and mysterious to many foreigners today. They
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A Grain of Sand  To see a world in a grain of sand,  And a heaven in a wild flower.  Hold infinity in the palm of your hand.  And eternity in an hour.  一粒沙子  从一粒沙子看到一个世界,  从一朵野花看到一个天堂,  把握住无限,  分秒即是永恒
Early in August, on Badaling Pass of the Great Wall in the northern suburb of Beijing, 500 children from Hong Kong and 200 children from Beijing participated in