尚吉永 黄河骄子绘丹青万达集团

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黄河,这条奔流不息孕育了中华民族的母亲河,滋润了华夏五千年的文明,塑造出中华儿女雄浑伟岸的性格,也孕育了美丽富饶的黄河三角洲。在共和国这片最年轻的土地上,中国古老文化的深厚积淀和新时代改革大潮的汹涌澎湃融为一体,给人以智慧,更给人以激情与动力。在这片神奇广袤的土地上,一名在齐鲁大地乃至全国民营企业中享有岽高声誊的优秀青年企业家正向我们走来,他就是年仅38岁的中国万达集团董事局主席,总裁尚吉永。多年来,他凭借着自己广博的学识,卓越的管理才能,驾驭着万达这艘企业航母秉风破浪以惊人的气魄和超常规的速度创造着中国民营企业开拓发展的奇迹;同时,他更以高尚的情操、无私的爱心奉献社会,赢得了社会各界的广泛赞誉。创业维艰显才华1986年尚吉永来到镇属企业万达集团,任福利综合厂会计,凭着自己的聪明才智和严谨细致的工作作风,很快被公司委以重任。1992年初,尚吉永组建了万达装饰公司,并担任经理。他带领装饰队伍,转战黄河两岸,很快使一个不起眼的小型装饰公司发展成为年创产值近亿元,利税1000多万元的大型装饰工程公司。由于工作业绩特别突出,1993年尚吉永同志被破格提拔为集团公司常务副总经理。 The Yellow River, which runs the Chinese nation’s mother river, has nourished Huaxia’s five thousand years of civilization and shaped the majestic and mighty character of the Chinese children. It also gave birth to the beautiful and affluent Yellow River Delta. On the youngest land in the Republic, the profound accumulation of ancient Chinese culture and the surging tide of reform in the new era have brought together people with wisdom and passion and motivation. In this magical vast land, an outstanding young entrepreneur who enjoys a high reputation in the Qilu land and even the private enterprises in the country is coming to us. He is the chairman and president of the board of directors of China Wanda Group, which is only 38 years old Shang Jiyong. Over the years, by virtue of his extensive knowledge and excellent management skills, he has managed to create a miracle of pioneering and developing private-owned enterprises in China with astonishing courage and unconventional speed by navigating Wanda’s corporate carrier with wind and waves. At the same time, Noble sentiments, selfless love dedication to society, has won wide acclaim from all sectors of society. Entrepreneurship hardship talented 1986 Shang Ji-yong came to the town is a corporate Wanda Group, Ren Welfare integrated plant accounting, with their own intelligence and rigorous and meticulous work style, soon the company entrusted with the task. In early 1992, Shang Jiyong Wanda decoration company set up and served as manager. He led the decoration team, fought on both sides of the Yellow River, and soon made an obscure small decorative company into a large-scale decoration engineering company with an annual production value of nearly 100 million yuan and a profit tax of over 10 million yuan. As a result of outstanding work performance, in 1993 Shang Jiyong comrades was singled out as Group Deputy General Manager.
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