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孝义市是一个以煤焦铝铁、建材、农副产品加工和商贸为支柱产业的新型工业城市。近几年,以科学发展观为统领,把科学发展理念贯穿于工作的各个环节,积极转变经济增长方式,提高产业集中度和素质,推进新型工业化;着力抓生态环境建设,推进循环经济发展;统筹城乡发展,加快新农村建设,有效地促进经济社会又快又好发展。2005年度全国县域经济发展排名中,孝义市位列102位,距全国百强仅差一步之遥。但存在经济发展与资源生态环境不协调的问题,集中表现在产业结构性污染和焦化项目违规建设突出、环保设施相对滞后等。孝义市决心以全新的姿态,进一步创新发展理念,拓宽发展途径,在巩固和提升经济强市地位的同时,力求在加快科学发展上求突破,把冲刺全国百强县市与建设环保先进市和生态园林城市有机统一起来,再造蓝天碧水,为早日实现“干干净净”进百强、以及创建全国文明城市和区域性中心城市“三大目标”作出不懈努力。 Xiaoyi City is a new type of industrial city with coal-based aluminum, iron and steel, building materials, agricultural and sideline products processing and commerce as the pillar industries. In recent years, the scientific concept of development as the guide, the concept of scientific development throughout all aspects of the work, and actively change the mode of economic growth, improve industrial concentration and quality, promote new industrialization; focus on ecological environment construction, promote the development of circular economy; Balancing urban and rural development, speeding up the construction of new rural areas and effectively promoting the rapid and sound economic and social development. In 2005, the rank of county economic development nationwide ranked 102 in Xiaoyi City, one step away from the top 100 in the country. However, there are problems such as the uncoordinated development of economy and the ecological environment of resources, which are mainly manifested in the prominent illegal construction of industrial pollution and coking projects and the lagging of environmental protection facilities. Xiaoyi City, determined to take a whole new attitude, to further develop the concept of innovation and broaden the development of ways to consolidate and enhance the strong economic status of the city at the same time, and strive to speed up the scientific development for a breakthrough, the sprint top 100 counties and cities and the building of advanced environmental protection city And ecological garden city organically unify, recreate the blue sky and clear water, make unremitting efforts for the realization of “clean and tidy” into the top 100 at an early date, and the “three major goals of establishing a national civilized city and a regional central city.”