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根据中央的布署,全党学习贯彻“三个代表”重要思想的新高潮已经兴起。这是党的事业继往开来、与时俱进的战略任务。胡锦涛总书记在全国党校校长会议上强调,各级党校在全党兴起的学习贯彻“三个代表”重要思想的新高潮中,要按照围绕主题、把握灵魂、抓住精髓、狠抓落实的要求,当好表率,努力走在前列。孙春兰书记在全市党校校长会议上要求用“三个代表”重要思想统领党校工作,全面开创我市党校工作的新局面,为建设“大大连”提供强有力的人才支持。 为在学习贯彻“三个代表”重要思想新高潮活动中当好表率,不辱使命,发挥作用,中共大连市委党校在校委班子的统一领导下,积极调整工作思路,确定了“用‘三个代表’重要思想统领党校的教学、科研和其它工作,认清形势,明确任务,统一思想,凝聚人心,理顺关系,打好基 According to the deployment of the Central Government, a new upsurge in the party’s study and implementation of the important thinking of the ’Three Represents’ has emerged. This is the strategic task of making the party’s cause open to the outside world and keeping pace with the times. General Secretary Hu Jintao emphasized at the National Party School Presidents’ Meeting that party schools at all levels should, in the new upsurge of studying and implementing the important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ the rise of the entire party, follow the theme of grasping the soul, grasping the essence and implementing the requirements , Be a good example, and strive to be at the forefront. Secretary-General Sun Chunlan called for the work of the Party School to be guided by the important thinking of the ’Three Represents’ and opened up a new situation for the work of party schools in our city in an all-round way and provided a strong talent support for the construction of ’Greater Dalian.’ Under the unified leadership of the school committee and the leadership of the school committee of the CPC Dalian Municipal Committee Party School, the CPC Party Committee of the CPC Dalian Municipal Government has actively adjusted its work train of thought in order to be a good example and fulfill its mission in studying and implementing the new upsurge of the important thinking of the ’Three Represents.’ The important thinking of the ’representatives’ guide the teaching, scientific research and other work of the Party School, recognize the situation clearly, clearly define the tasks, unify our thinking, unite the people, straighten out the relations,