Synthesis,properties,and applications of black titanium dioxide nanomaterials

来源 :Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gl_521
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Photocatalysis has been regarded as one of best solutions to using the sunlight to produce hydrogen from water and to removing organic pollutants from the environment,and titanium dioxide(TiO_22) nanomaterials have been treated as the primary photocatalyst for these purposes. However,their large band gap has largely limited the activity to the UV region of the solar spectrum. The discovery of black TiO_2 n2011 has triggered world-wide research interests with new hope to overcome this problem. This review briefly summarizes the recent progresses of black TiO_2 nanomaterials,including their synthesis,properties and applications,to provide a timely update and to inspire more ideas in the related research. Photocatalysis has been as one of the best solutions to using the sunlight to produce hydrogen from water and to remove organic pollutants from the environment, and titanium dioxide (TiO_22) nanomaterials have been treated as the primary photocatalyst for these purposes. However, their large band gap has largely limited the activity to the UV region of the solar spectrum. The discovery of black TiO 2 n2011 has triggered the world-wide research interests with new hope to overcome this problem. This review progresses the activity of black TiO 2 nanomaterials, including their synthesis, properties and applications, to provide a timely update and to inspire more ideas in the related research.
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