Microarray Analysis of Ageing-related Signatures and Their Expression in Tumors Based on a Computati

来源 :Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yanqingqing1213
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Ageing and cancer have been associated with genetic and genomic changes.The identification of common signatures between ageing and cancer can reveal shared molecular mechanisms underlying them.In this study,we collected ageing-related gene signatures from ten published studies involved in six different human tissues and an online resource.We found that most of these gene signatures were tissuespecific and a few were related to multiple tissues.We performed a genome-wide examination of the expression of these signatures in various human tumor types,and found that a large proportion of these signatures were universally differentially expressed among normal vs.tumor phenotypes.Functional analyses of the highly-overlapping genes between ageing and cancer using DAVID tools have identified important functional categories and pathways linking ageing with cancer.The convergent and divergent mechanisms between ageing and cancer are discussed.This study provides insights into the biology of ageing and cancer,suggesting the possibility of potential interventions aimed at postponing ageing and preventing cancer. Aging and cancer have been associated with genetic and genomic changes. The identification of common signatures between aging and cancer can reveal shared molecular mechanisms underlying them.In this study, we collected ageing-related gene signatures from ten published studies involved in six different human tissues and an online resource. We found that most of these gene signatures were tissuespecific and a few were related to multiple tissues. We performed a genome-wide examination of the expression of these signatures in various human tumor types, and found that a large proportion of these signsatures were universally differentially expressed among normal vs. tumor phenotypes. Functional analyzes of the highly-overlapping genes between aging and cancer using DAVID tools have identified important functional categories and pathways linking ageing with cancer. convergent and divergent mechanisms between aging and cancer are discussed.This study provides insights into the biology of agei ng and cancer, suggesting the possibility of potential interventions aimed at postponing aging and preventing cancer.
以铜、钛等为原料,采用真空热压法制备Cu-Sn-Ti金属结合剂.烧结工艺参数:烧结气氛,真空;烧结温度,640℃;烧结压力,23KN/mm2;保温时间,6min.利用Inspect S50扫描电子显微镜对
那一年,她16岁,在西安的一所中学读书。  同学中很多人去考电影学院,她心里痒痒的,也跟着去凑热闹。可那时的她,没有任何的表演基础,就连普通话也不过关,哪里能上台面呢?令她纳闷的是,每次放榜时,居然都有自己的名字。只是,好戏并没有在后头。虽然一路过了三试,最终还是被人家给刷了。  没办法,她只好老老实实地考大学,可从此却有了演员梦。上到大二,一家歌舞团来招人,她欣喜若狂,第一时间就去报了名。这次,
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摘要:在现代社会身心健康是建设良好的班风的基础。本文先是对良好班风进行了释义,随后就影响形成良好班风的因素进行了分析研究,最后就重视心理健康教育建设良好班风提出了很好的意见和建议。  关键词:小学生教育;心理健康教育;良好班风  新时期开展中小学开展心理健康教育,既是学生自身健康成长的需要,也是社会发展对人的素质要求的需要,更是建设良好班风的基础。下面结的教学实践经验,谈一下重视心理健康教育,建设