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华中电网包括鄂、豫、湘、赣四省,截止1986年底止,全网500千瓦以上水、火电厂装机容量共1467.61万千瓦,其中水电594.3万千瓦,约占总装机容量的40.5%。86年系统累计发电量共664.18亿度,其中水电为223.72亿度,约占总发电量的33.7%。由于水电的成本仅为火电的1/3~1/4,厂用电率仅为火电的1/29,故水、火电单位电量所获的利润相差较大,据粗略统计,86年华中电网每亿度电的利润,水电平均为238.4万元/亿度(其中局属水电厂平均利润为367.8万元/亿度)。火电平均为17.7万元/亿度,单位电量利润相比,火电仅为水电的7.4%,若考虑到网内火电发电量占66.3%,则大致可以算出全网的利润中来自水电的约占87%以上,来自火电的不到13%。 Huazhong Power Grid includes Hubei, Henan, Hunan and Jiangxi provinces. By the end of 1986, the entire network had 500 kilowatts of water. The installed capacity of thermal power plants totaled 14.6761 million kilowatts, of which 59.43 million kilowatts were hydropower, accounting for 40.5% of the total installed capacity. In 1986, the cumulative generating capacity of the system totaled 66.418 billion kWh, of which hydropower was 22.372 billion kWh, accounting for 33.7% of the total generating capacity. As the cost of hydropower is only 1/3 ~ 1/4 of that of thermal power, the rate of power consumption of the plant is only 1/29 of that of thermal power, so the profits obtained by each unit of power of water and thermal power differ greatly. According to rough statistics, The profit per 100 million kilowatts, an average of 2,384,000 yuan water / 100 million degrees (including the average profit of the water plant is 367.8 million yuan / million degrees). The average thermal power is 177,000 yuan / kWh, compared with the unit power profit, thermal power is only 7.4% of hydropower, taking into account the network of thermal power generation accounted for 66.3%, you can roughly calculate the profit of the whole network from hydropower accounted for 87% or more, less than 13% from thermal power.
1986年底,据对全国已查348个城市的统计(不包括市辖县),市区人口2.29亿人,市区面积80多万km~2,建成区面积1万多km~2。城市住房人均使用面积8.77m~2,居住面积5.93m~2。 1.城
自去年起,中央商场大胆向实行了几十年的以统提统包为特征的传统的医疗费制度开刀,取得了明显的成绩,不仅遏制了医疗费用直线上升的势头,而且出现了不断下降的良好局面。 S
士别三日,当刮目相待。 从1995年6月18日以来,启东纺站一扫“门前冷落车马稀”的清淡样,顾客骤增,门庭若市,销售额直线上升,往年的日销售额在1.5万元左右,现日日超8万元,最
谷胱甘肽 (glutathione,GSH)及其相关酶类对化疗药物的解毒作用是恶性肿瘤化疗耐药形成的主要原因之一。γ-谷氨酰半胱氨酸合成酶 (γ- GCS)是 GSH体内生物合成的限速酶 ,大
在 11732例存活婴儿中 ,作者发现 3例足月新生儿在自然分娩过程中有轻~中度缺氧史 (脐带绕颈或胎心监护有变异减速 ) ,无重度窒息 (Apgar评分≥ 5分 )。出生后开始无明显症状