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蚕豆是粮肥兼用的豆科作物,尚可养地和改良土壤。随城市居民对时令蔬菜的要求,还可开辟菜用蚕豆。我镇从零星到大面积种植,面积已达2500亩,占秋播作物面积 20%以上。鲜豆亩产达 896.9kg,亩产值 700~800元。1选用品种 通过评比筛选,表现抗病性强、? Broad bean is a leguminous crops with both grain and fat, can still raise and improve the soil. With the urban residents on the requirements of seasonal vegetables, but also to open up vegetables with beans. My town from sporadic to large areas planted, the area has reached 2,500 acres, accounting for more than 20% of autumn crop area. Fresh beans per mu up to 896.9kg, 700-800 yuan per mu. 1 Selection of species through screening screening, showing strong disease resistance,?