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(一)华北全境约有一千五百万人口的新区(内含一部份恢复区)需要实行土地改革。由于老解放区已经消灭了封建势力,农民已经得到土地,这就深刻地影响了并继续影响着新解放区各阶层的人民。因此,把减租减息政策作为过渡到平分土地政策的办法,在这些地区已无必要。为了迅速恢复与发展农业生产,决定除绥远全省因情况特殊暂不实行平分土地外,其他各省新区及恢复区一律于今冬明春全部完成平分土地的任务。(二)在执行平分土地时,必须坚决贯澈以下政策:甲、没收地主阶级的土地及其封建财产,征收旧式富农多余的土地及其财产的封建部分,分配给无地少地的农民。但须留给旧式富农与地主和农民同样的一份土地和财产,不许再用扫地出门的办法。废除一切封建半封建的高利贷,但人民政府与人民银行的贷款、人民相互间买卖交易、来往货账、友谊借贷以及工人店员之工资账等,均不得废除,一律继续有效。对于为群众所公 (A) The new area (covering part of the recovery area) of about 15 million people in North China needs land reform. Since the old liberated areas had eliminated the feudal forces and the peasants had already acquired land, it profoundly affected and continued to affect people of all walks of life in the new liberated areas. Therefore, it is not necessary in these areas to regard the policy of rent reduction and interest reduction as a means of transitioning to the policy of sharing land. In order to promptly resume and develop agricultural production, it was decided that except for Suiyuan’s special case of temporary sub-division of land, the new districts and recovery areas of other provinces will all have the task of equalizing the land this winter and next spring. (2) When implementing the subdivision of land, the following policies must be resolutely and consistently pursued: A. confiscating the land of the landlord class and its feudal property, expropriating the feudal parts of the surplus land and its property from the old-style rich peasants and allocating them to landless farmers. However, it is necessary to leave the old land rich peasants the same land and property as the landlords and peasants. Abolition of all feudal and semi-feudal loan sharks, but the people’s government and the People’s Bank of loans, mutual trading transactions, trade accounts, friendship lending, as well as the wages of workers clerks, shall not be repealed, will continue to be valid. For the public
中国投资政策的新方向与日本企业 今年6月28日中国公布了“外商投资企业指导方向暂行规定”和据此制定的“外商投资产业指导目录”。这是按照去年新公布的产业政策,引导外资
老伯之牙  陈儿问妈妈:“我们一家人天天都有饭菜吃,小弟也是你疼爱的宝贝,为什么你只给他喝牛奶,而不给他饭菜吃呢?”  妈妈回答说:“因为小弟没有牙齿,不会咀嚼东西,所以只能喝奶。”  陈儿又问道:“隔壁老伯伯也没有一颗牙齿,为什么老婆婆不给他喝奶呢?”  西京或西经  中午,我跟一个朋友吃饭,那家伙问:“为什么有东京、南京和北京,却没有西京?”  当我还在思索如何回答这个问题时,隔壁桌的一个小男
As a part of boundaries for a free curved surface of a Pelton bucket,the cutout is indispensable to secure the smooth entrance of the unsteady inflow of water j