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受应试教育和传统教材内容的限制,当前教师在开展教学活动的时候一般会将知识传授作为基本内容,忽视了对问题意识的培养。由此导致现阶段的大多数小学生在数学学习中不敢提问题或者不敢质疑,其学习始终处于一种“零问题状态”。针对这一情况,有教授明确提出,在小学数学教学活动开展中教师需要采取多样化的方式激发学生的求知欲望,培养学生的问题意识;在教学中积极训练学生发现问题的敏锐性,帮助学生准确掌握发现问题、提出问题、解决问题的方法,以此提高学生的问题解决能力。由此可以看出,在小学数学教学中培养学生的问题意识成为教学必然。所以,内容将就如何在小学数学教学中培养学生的问题意识进行论述。 Subject to the content of the exam-oriented education and the contents of traditional textbooks, the current teachers generally carry out teaching activities as the basic content of imparting knowledge, ignoring the awareness of problem-solving. As a result, most of the primary schoolchildren in this stage can not ask questions or dare not question them in their maths study. Their learning is always in a “zero-question state.” In view of this situation, some professors have pointed out clearly that in the process of primary mathematics teaching activities, teachers need to adopt diverse ways to stimulate students ’desire for knowledge and to raise students’ awareness of problems. In teaching, students should be encouraged to find out the acuteness of the problems and help students Accurately grasp the problems found, put forward questions, ways to solve the problem, in order to improve the students’ problem solving ability. From this we can see that it is inevitable for students to raise awareness of problems in primary mathematics teaching. Therefore, the content will be on how to cultivate students in the primary mathematics teaching question awareness.
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人们常说“积千累万,不如养成好习惯。”究竟怎样引导学生在日常学习、生活中培养他们的行为习惯呢?我认为从以下这些方面去做:  一是培养学生的生活习惯。小学阶段是学生身心发育最快的时期,衣、食、住、行都要养成良好的习惯,才有利于健康成长。如,早睡早起,不睡懒觉;自己穿衣服、脱衣服,睡觉时脱下的衣服鞋袜放置在固定的地方;按时吃饭,不偏食、不挑食、不贪吃零食,生活俭朴,爱惜粮食,不乱花钱,在家里在学校都要