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目的:认识膀胱输尿管返流(VUR)出现在膀胱充盈期和排尿期的意义。方法:20例VUR患儿做排尿性膀胱尿道造影(MCU)复查时,电视间断监视膀胱充盈期,发现返流拍片。另外,常规于排尿期拍片。结果:20例患儿,2例返流消失,18例仍有返流。其中8例双侧输尿管返流,10例单侧返流,共26侧返流。26侧返流中,12侧返流只出现于排尿期;余14侧返流在膀胱充盈期就已出现,并且其返流程度在排尿期加重。结论:排尿期出现返流,是因膀胱输尿管抗返流结构有缺陷不能抵抗排尿压,使尿液在排尿期返流入输尿管。当抗返流结构的缺陷进一步加重,不能抵抗膀胱充盈期压,尿液就在较低的充盈压作用下返流入输尿管。充盈期出现返流,提示抗返流结构存在严重的缺陷。 Objective: To understand the significance of vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) in bladder filling and urination. Methods: Twenty patients with VUR underwent urinary bladder and urethroprography (MCU) review. The TV intermittently monitored bladder filling and found reflux film. In addition, routine filming in the voiding period. Results: In 20 cases, 2 cases of reflux disappeared and 18 cases still had reflux. 8 cases of bilateral ureteral reflux, 10 cases of unilateral reflux, a total of 26 side reflux. In 26 side regurgitation, 12 side regurgitation occurred only in the urination period; more than 14 side regurgitation occurred in the period of bladder filling, and the degree of regurgitation in the urinary exacerbation. CONCLUSIONS: During the urination, reflux occurs because the ureter anti-reflux structure is defective and can not resist the pressure of urination. Urine can be refluxed into the ureter during urination. When the anti-reflux structure defects further aggravate, can not resist the bladder filling pressure, urine in the filling pressure under the lower pressure into the ureter. Reflux during filling shows that the anti-reflux structure has serious defects.
1995年全国经济师考试即将来临,考生们自然关心上次考试的考题难度、题型设计等问题,下面就94年命题和题型情况进行简单分析,供大家在准备95年考试时参考。 一、命题原则 经
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[目的]钠离子通道拮抗剂苯妥英钠对实验性局灶性脑梗死的影响.[方法]随机分为 2组,用 线栓法制作大白鼠脑梗死模型,观测梗死2h、再灌流4h后,对照组和实验组脑梗死体积的变化.[结 果]苯妥英钠
脑出血治疗中常用 2 0 %甘露醇脱水以减轻出血部周边水肿及降低颅内压。通常用 2 5 0ml为一次给药量。目前有不少学者认为使用小剂量甘露醇 (每次 2 0 %甘露醇 12 5ml治疗 )效果
本文对 15 0例急性期脑梗死患者应用脉络宁治疗并对血流变指标变化进行了临床观察。1 临床资料1 1 对象 选自 1997年 1月~ 1998年 12月我院内科及神经内科住院病人 2 5 0例
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