
来源 :学校党建与思想教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lzxldf2003
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学校制度建设是为了保证正确的办学方向,依据法律规定的职责、权限、程序,形成依法决策、民主参与、自我管理、自主办学的学校治理结构和工作机制,建立具有校本特色的教育教学制度和校内管理体制。因此,加强学校制度建设是落实学校依法自主管理的重要条件,是推进依法治校的重要前提。虽然造成学校制度建设滞后的原因很多,但制度原因可能是最为关键的 The construction of the school system is to ensure the correct direction of running the school. Based on the duties, authorities and procedures stipulated by law, a school governance structure and working mechanism based on legal decision-making, democratic participation, self-management and self-running schools should be established to establish a school-based education and teaching system School management system. Therefore, strengthening the construction of the school system is an important condition for implementing the school’s independent management in accordance with the law and an important prerequisite for promoting the school administration according to law. Although there are many reasons for the lag in the construction of the school system, the institutional reason may be the most crucial one
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Arid and semiarid regions are characterized by low rainfall and high potential evaporative demand.Here,water is the major limiting factor for plant growth and p
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1933年中国提高进口关税 ,是在主权范围之内的合法措施 ,并带有较强的保护关税性质。棉制品进口税率大幅度的提高 ,是这一次关税改订最明显的特征。本文分别研究了中国民族纺
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1.The challenge posed to national spirit by contemporary social transition The national spirit is a nation’s spiritual reflection of historical development la