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用固态配料和硝酸盐共沉淀配料制备了各组份为(Bi_(1.85)Pb_(0.40))Sr_(1.95)Ca_(2.05)Cu_(8.10)的超导材料,研究了两种不同制备工艺对Bi系超导相形成过程、超导电磁性能和显微结构的影响.实验发现,由共沉淀制备的样品T_(c(zero))稳定性好,T_(c(zero))均在107.5K以上.SEM观察表明:共沉淀法制备的样品中超导相颗粒比固态配料制备的要细小、均匀,颗粒间连结紧密,与T_(c(zero))结果相符.但XRD相分析结果显示:固态配料样品中高温相含量高于共沉淀配料,共沉淀配料制备作品中高、低温相同时存在,但其交流磁化率—温度曲线上仅在120K附近出现相应于高温相的抗磁信号.研究认为,这是由于共沉淀配料烧成时,高温相容易在部分液相参与下,在低温相表面通过反应成核生长,导致在形成的高温相内部包裹有残余低温相的“内芯”.依此包裹模型可自洽地解释X射线相分析与电、磁性能测定结果间的矛盾,讨论了Bi系高温相的形成机理,为选择合理的制备工艺提供了依据. The superconducting materials with (Bi_ (1.85) Pb_ (0.40)) Sr_ (1.95) Ca_ (2.05) Cu_ (8.10) were prepared by solid ingredients and nitrate coprecipitation. The effects of two different preparation processes Bi superconducting phase, superconducting magnetic properties and microstructures were investigated.The experimental results show that the T_ (c (zero)) prepared by coprecipitation has good stability and T_ (c) at 107.5K .The results of SEM showed that the superconducting particles in the sample prepared by the coprecipitation method were smaller and more uniform than those in the solid state, and the particles were closely connected with each other, which was consistent with the result of Tc (zero) However, the AC susceptibility-temperature curve shows the diamagnetic signal corresponding to the high temperature phase only in the vicinity of 120 K. The results show that the high temperature phase content in solid sample is higher than that of coprecipitation and coprecipitation preparation, , Which is due to co-precipitation ingredients firing, the high temperature phase is easy to participate in part of the liquid phase, the nucleation and growth by reaction at the low-temperature phase, resulting in the formation of the high-temperature phase wrapped within the residual low temperature phase “core.” This package model can explain X-ray phase analysis and electrical and magnetic measurements consistently Contradiction between the results, discussed the mechanism of formation of the Bi-based high-temperature phase, provide a reasonable basis for the selection of the manufacturing process.
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“凡书种种,予独爱正书,正书之中,又钟情于小楷,尤其是洛神十三行,每与之对,心静神怡,参古意,如慕佳人,时觉其风姿绰约,清雅脱俗。笔下偶得一分形似,心中便生万般欣喜。今乃怀梦放胆,录洛神全文于此绢上,虽自知难及献之皮毛,然聊以慰心乐。有诗书醉伴昏晓,此生足矣。”  这段文字是我写《洛神赋》时题的长款,回想学书将近二十载,却越发学得单纯,以至不敢言书法,只称写字。古今法帖翻阅不尽,书道笔法更是莫测高
The relations of bulk modulus,shear modulus,Young’s modulus and the Poisson’s ra-tio with porosity of foam plastics are determined by a three phase spheroida
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漫步黄砖路,寻访绿野仙踪  《绿野仙踪》里的故事发生在美国的堪萨斯州,住在堪萨斯草原上的小女孩多萝茜和她的小狗托托,被龙卷风带到了一个神奇的国度——奥兹国,在那里遇上了稻草人、铁皮伐木工和胆小的狮子。他们一起踏上了通往翡翠城的冒险旅程,终于见到了建造翡翠城的魔法师奥兹。伙伴们希望能在奥兹的帮助下,实现自己最大的愿望,可奥兹却是一个什么魔法也不会的大骗子!为了找到回家的办法,多萝茜又开始了新的历险…
同学们,本期到彩虹城做客的作家是一位语文老师,她写的校园故事生动有趣,很多同学说,读过她写的故事,仿佛能看到自己的影子。你们一定会惊奇:她是谁?为何能把孩子的故事讲述得如此娓娓动听?其实啊,她就是——  郭老师,您是一位老师,很多作品也表现了校园生活,您的创作灵感都是来自现实生活吗?  生活里的素材无处不在,有时,同事的一句玩笑话也能带来灵感哟!记得有段时间我手指关节疼,不能着凉,为了不影响上班,
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