蒙台梭利课程对我国幼儿教育的发展有重大的影响,但是在实施过程中也存在诸多问题,比如蒙台梭利课程存在市场化倾向、课程实施水平参差不齐、缺乏统一的蒙氏师资培训、家长对蒙台梭利课程缺乏充分的认识等等。为了实现蒙台梭利课程可持续发展,需要相关行政部门、幼儿园、社会等多方面的共同努力。“,”Montessori Curriculum has a significant impact on the development of early childhood education in China. But in the process, there are many problems, such as market- oriented Montessori course, uneven curriculum implementation, lack of a unified Montessofi teacher training, parents' insufficient knowledge of Montessori curriculum and so on. To achieve sustainable development of Montessori curriculum requires together effort made by relevant administrative departments and kindergartens.