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去年底,在一次跨省际的业务会议上,本刊参会人员偶然获悉云南省正在制订《供用电条例》的消息。最近,又欣悉该《条例》已经云南省人大常委会通过,并已于今年6月1日起正式施行。随着我国电力工业体制改革的深入,电力企业面向社会、面向市场,各种内外部关系已发生深刻的、复杂的变化,厂网分开之后的电网公司与电源端分离后,又经过大规模的城农网改造,更加上去年以来出现的电力严重短缺的局面,使本已十分复杂的供用电关系更加繁复交织,矛盾十分突出,而原有的正在修改中的《电力法》由于历史的原因,其内容滞后、效力缺失、缺位,需尽快修改出台,对于当前如何调整相关矛盾和关系,确实有“政策、法规缺位之虞”!云南省此时出台《供用电条例》无疑是十分及时十分具有远见卓识之举!作为一部调整供用电关系的地方法规,对即将修改完善后重新施行的《电力法》无疑是十分重要的补充。这个《规则》除了“总则”、“附则”部分外,还包括了“供用电设施的规划建设和保护”、“电力供应”、“电力使用”、“供用电合同”、“供用电事故处理”、“法律责任”等六大部分共四十七条。市场经济是法规经济,电力市场的建立也毫不例外要以法规建设为基础。本刊八月号全文刊登这部《供用电条例》,旨在为我区有关部门制订相关法规? At the end of last year, during an inter-provincial business meeting, participants in this magazine occasionally learned that Yunnan Province is preparing the “Regulations for the Supply of Electricity”. Recently, I am also pleased to see the “Regulations” passed by the Standing Committee of Yunnan Provincial People’s Congress and have come into effect on June 1 this year. With the deepening of China’s power industry system reform, power companies facing the community, facing the market, a variety of internal and external relations have undergone profound and complex changes, after the separation of the power grid company and the power company separated, and after a large-scale The transformation of urban and rural power networks, and even more serious power shortages that occurred since last year, have complicated the interconnection of electricity supply and power supply, which has become quite complicated. The original “Electricity Law” under revision, as a result of historical Reason, the content lags behind, the lack of effectiveness, lack of position, need to be amended as soon as possible, for the current how to adjust the contradictions and relations, there is indeed “the lack of policies, laws and regulations,” Yunnan at this time the introduction of “for electricity” undoubtedly Is a very timely and very far-sighted move! As a regulation for the electricity supply of local laws and regulations, the forthcoming revision and re-implementation of the “Electricity Law” is undoubtedly a very important supplement. In addition to the “General Provisions” and “Supplementary Provisions” sections, this “Rules” also includes “planning, construction and protection of power supply facilities,” “power supply,” “power usage,” “power supply contracts,” “ Electric Accident Handling ”,“ Legal Liability ”and other six major part of a total of 47. Market economy is the rule of law economy, the establishment of the electricity market is no exception to the building of laws and regulations. August issue of this full text published in this “for electricity regulations,” aimed at the relevant departments of our region to formulate relevant laws and regulations?
电力企业职工代表的素质直接关系到民主管理的质量和民主管理的力度及深度,直接关系到民主管理的效果。 一、当前电力企业职工代表素质现状分析 职工代表一个很重要的特点,
2004年初,北京豹驰方正技术发展有限公司(以下简称“豹驰方正”)研制的热敏CTP阳图版材(现取名“豹Ⅱ”型版)获得成功,且生产成本较低,很快就会上市。这无疑给急切盼望CTP 版
Kraus Elektrotechnik Walter Kraus GmbH Kraus Elektrotechnik于1955年最初成立时,还是一家小规模的手工作坊,主要从事电器元件的制造,如开关的连接器等;1985年,Kraus Ele