周口:拉大城市框架 加速经济发展——访周口市市长张海钦

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与世界发达国家相比,我国的城市化水平明显偏低,而当经济发展到一定程度,城市化的滞后便会制约工业化和现代化的进程。党中央国务院英明决策,确立了加快城市化进程为“十五”期间加速我国经济和社会发展的一项战略性措施。对河南这样的人口大省和农业大省而言,加快城市化进程更为紧迫且意义重大。省委省政府已在《河南省国民经济和社会发展第十个五年计划纲要》中,把加快城市化进程列为加快河南发展的八项措施之一。适值“十五”规划实施一年,我刊“区域经济”栏目,自本期起,特邀一部分省市领导,围绕城市化、农业产业化的话题,谈发展战略,谈经营理念,谈本市地的做法经验及自己的观点体会。总之,各抒己见,相互启迪,共谋良策,为河南的经济、社会发展出力献策。 Compared with the developed countries in the world, the level of urbanization in our country is obviously low. When the economy reaches a certain level, the lagging urbanization will restrict the process of industrialization and modernization. The wise decision made by the Central Party Committee and the State Council has established a strategic measure to speed up the urbanization process for accelerating the economic and social development in our country during the “Tenth Five-Year Plan” period. For such a large population in Henan Province and agriculture province, to speed up the process of urbanization is more urgent and of great significance. The provincial party committee and provincial government have listed the acceleration of urbanization as one of the eight measures to speed up the development of Henan in the Outline for the Tenth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of Henan Province. Since the beginning of this issue, we have invited some leaders of provinces and municipalities to focus on the topics of urbanization and agricultural industrialization, discussing development strategies, discussing business philosophy, Experience of the practice of the city and their own point of view. In short, they all express their opinions, inspire each other and seek common solutions, contributing to Henan’s economic and social development.
21世纪头二十年,对我国来说,是必须紧紧抓住并且可以大有作为的重要战略机遇期。经济学家谢伏瞻就这一问题在接受新华社记者采访时发表了重要观点,现编发如下。 In the firs
国民经济快速发展综合国力进一步增强 十五大以来,受亚洲金融危机的影响,主要发达国家经济增长持续低迷,而我国经济一枝独秀,逆风飞扬。
在中国市场上,所有的企业家在企业发展过程中对两个字都非常敏感、也非常感兴趣,那就是品牌。而对于所有营销人和广告 In the Chinese market, all entrepreneurs are very