Grafting of protein-protein binding sites

来源 :科学通报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangyp88
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A strategy for grafting protein-protein binding sites is described. Firstly, key interaction residues at the interface of ligand protein to be grafted are identified and suitable positions in scaffold protein for grafting these key residues are sought. Secondly, the scaffold proteins are superposed onto the ligand protein based on the corresponding Ca and Cb atoms. The complementarity between the scaffold protein and the receptor protein is evaluated and only matches with high score are accepted. The relative position between scaffold and receptor proteins is adjusted so that the interface has a reasonable packing density. Then the scaffold protein is mutated to corresponding residues in ligand protein at each candidate position. And the residues having bad steric contacts with the receptor proteins, or buried charged residues not involved in the formation of any salt bridge are mutated. Finally, the mutated scaffold protein in complex with receptor protein is co-minimized by Charmm. In addition, we deduce a scoring function to evaluate the affinity between mutated scaffold protein and receptor protein by statistical analysis of rigid binding data sets.
To attenuate white noise, nonstationary noise and impulse noise are important for signal processing. In this letter, we present nonlinear fusion filters (NFF) b
利用外张量场下的QCD求和规则计算了核子张量荷,其中核子插入场的核子流算符取最一般形式或称为非常规型,计算包括至维度8的项的贡献. 详细分析了不同核子插入场及张量磁化率
将具体的核内核子 (包括中子、质子 )密度分布引入到中能Abrasion -Ab lation模型中 ,用修正后的模型计算了 30MeV/u  4 0 Ar +natAg反应中的弹核碎裂过程 .结果表明 ,在非
合肥同步光源的现有注入凸轨由 3块冲击磁铁产生 ,不同的运行模式具有不同的凸轨 .为了改变这种凸轨参数与储存环参数的相互依赖 ,提出采用集中布局的方案 ,即在注入长直线节
Here two types of optimal V-cycle multigrid algorithms are presented for Wilson nonconforming finite element.
介绍了一种同位旋相关的输运方程 ,研究了在入射能量为 2 8.7和 6 0 .0MeV/u时  12 C +12 C的反应 ,对模型进行检验 ,发现计算结果较好地符合实验结果 ,说明了方程的可靠性
分析了环形质谱仪中的非线性效应 ,讨论了它们对质谱仪的分辨本领和测量精度的影响 ,并给出计算这些影响的公式 . The nonlinear effects in ring mass spectrometers were