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今年六月,省教育厅召开基础教育工作汇报会。在总结经验、认清形势的基础上,会议进一步明确了我省基础教育的发展思路和工作重点,指出,基础教育要以建设教育强省为目标,围绕加强农村义务教育和全面推进素质教育两大任务,以加大教育创新为动力,一手抓完善环境,一手抓均衡发展,全面提升教育水平,实现基础教育跨越式发展。加大创新——包括教育观念的创新,教育体制的创新,办学机制的创新,教学内容的创新,人才培养模式的创新等。要进一步树立新的基础教育观,基础教育要为人民服务,为人民提供更多的享受良好教育的机会,要满足我省率先基本实现社会主义现代化的需要。要树立基础教育在全面建设小康社会和 In June this year, the Provincial Department of Education held a briefing on basic education work. On the basis of summing up experience and recognizing the situation, the meeting further clarified the development ideas and priorities of basic education in our province, and pointed out that basic education should aim at building a strong education province, focusing on strengthening rural compulsory education and promoting quality education in an all-round way. The major task is to increase educational innovation as the driving force, to improve the environment on one hand, to achieve balanced development on the one hand, and to comprehensively improve the level of education to achieve a leaping development of basic education. Increase innovation—including the innovation of educational concepts, the innovation of education systems, the innovation of school-running mechanisms, the innovation of teaching contents, and the innovation of personnel training models. To further establish a new concept of basic education, basic education should serve the people, provide more opportunities for the people to enjoy good education, and meet the needs of our province to take the lead in basically achieving socialist modernization. We must establish basic education and build a well-to-do society in an all-round way.
那女孩不屑一顾地说:“崔老师,你的定力不够,被人夸一下,就得意成这样子。哎!你这样子怎么能当老师。”看我惊讶得嘴巴变成了圆圆的O型,官秋花得意地大笑起来。 The girl sa
【摘 要】随着国民经济的发展,高级商住楼、写字楼的市场需求随之增大,然而现在的城市中心已是“寸土寸金”,这样便催生了不少高层建筑。所谓高层建筑,乃指其建筑高度超过了50m,这样的高度,对于现在的机动消防车来说,可谓“鞭长莫及”,因此,这类型建筑的消防系统,必须尽可能地提高其“自救”能力,将火险消灭在萌芽状态。那么作为火灾预警和控制的消防弱电系统,实乃整个消防系统的“神经中枢”,其重要性可想而知,下
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【摘 要】墙体是外围护结构的主体,长期以实心粘土砖为主要墙体材料,保温性能很差,是节能改造的重点部位。文章基于此主要探讨了既有建筑的节能改造施工技术。   【关键词】节能;建筑;既有建筑   0.引言  外墙外保温可以提高主体结构的耐久性、有利于室温保持稳定、尤其对既有建筑的节能改造更是对使用者的干扰降至最低,而且还可以对旧有建筑的外饰面进行翻新。如果原来的外墙保温状况已经很好,或瓷砖饰面的外
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