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一、案例某市位于长江之滨,该市轻纸箱厂是由纸制品厂逐渐发展起来的一个小型集体企业,有职工150多人,固定资产70多万元,年利润18万元。为了企业发展,该厂八五年贷款120万元,在市内公园路中段异地扩建了一条较为现代化的包装装璜生产线,并于八六年七月一日正式投产。投产不久,企业就遇到了三个主要问题:①成本高;②销路差;③一厂分两地,难以管理,搭进厂的青年徒工素质差,缺乏训练。由于上述原因,这条生产线成了该厂越背越重的包袱,工厂每月实现的利润只够偿还建生产线的贷款利息,同时,因产品积压,工厂流动资金越来越困难。该厂请求市计经委协助、指导工厂解决上述问题。 First, the case of a city located on the coast of the Yangtze River, the city light carton factory is the paper products factory gradually developed a small collective enterprises, more than 150 workers, more than 700,000 yuan in fixed assets, annual profit of 180,000 yuan. In order to promote the development of the enterprise, the factory lent RMB1.2 million in 1985 to expand the production line of more modern packaging decoration in different places in the middle of Park Road in the city and put it into production on July 1, 1986. Shortly after commissioning, the enterprises encountered three major problems: ① high costs; ② poor sales; ③ one factory was divided into two places and was difficult to manage; and the quality of the young apprentice who took up the factory was poor and lack of training. Due to the above reasons, this production line has become the heavier burden of the plant. The monthly profit realized by the factory is enough to repay the loan interest of the production line. At the same time, due to the backlog of products, the liquidity of the factory is getting more and more difficult. The factory requested the Municipal Economic Commission to assist and guide the factory to solve the above problems.
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