尼克松是一位带有神秘色彩的美国前总统。在他任职期间成功地结束了美国在越南的战争,并改善了与前苏联和中国的关系。但是,“水门事件”的丑闻给这个国家又带来了新的分歧,并最终导致了他的辞职。 貌似木讷,暗藏锋芒 尼克松与肯尼迪当年同为美国国会中的新星,因此自有一番惺惺相惜之情。他们曾经是同事、朋友,又曾经是对手和政敌。他们曾经
Nixon is a mysterious former president of the United States. During his tenure, he successfully ended the U.S. war in Vietnam and improved relations with the former Soviet Union and China. However, the “Watergate” scandal brought new disagreements to the country and eventually led to his resignation. Seemingly stiff, hidden edge Nixon Kennedy with the same year as a rising star in the United States Congress, so some of them sympathetic feelings. They used to be colleagues, friends, and once opponents and political enemies. They used to