萨芬&萨芬娜 超级兄妹档

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萨芬与萨芬娜无疑是国际网坛最著名的兄妹之一,尽管他们的影响力目前还不及西班牙的桑切斯兄妹,他们的贡献也未到达麦肯罗兄弟的高度,但仅仅因为他们鲜明的个性与风格,就足以赢得全世界的关注。不久之前,萨芬娜接受《网球》杂志特约记者保罗·费恩专访时,曾经表示:“我与哥哥还没有机会参与混双比赛,但是我一直有这样的心愿,那就是与他合作,哪怕只有一次也好!”两个月后,在澳大利亚珀斯,观众们尖叫着迎来了这一刻:萨芬与萨芬娜搭档,参加了霍普曼杯。他们并不是霍普曼杯历史上唯一的兄妹组合。在此之前,桑切斯兄妹与安西奇兄妹都曾经出现在这片球场上,但是没有谁能复制萨芬兄妹这样的号召力,当他们一同走上网球场之后,连麦克纳米都屏住了呼吸…… Safin and Safina are undoubtedly one of the most famous siblings in the international tennis arena, although their influence is not as good as that of Spain’s Sanchez brothers and sisters, their contributions have not reached the height of the Mccannuo brothers, but only because of their distinctive personality And style, it is enough to win the attention of the world. Not long ago, when Safina accepted an exclusive interview with tennis magazine Paul Finn, she said: “My brother and I have not had the opportunity to participate in mixed doubles competitions, but I have always had the desire to cooperate with him, Even if it’s only once! ”Two months later, in Perth, Australia, the audience screamed for the moment: Safin and Safina joined the Hopman Cup. They are not the only sibling in the history of the Hopman Cup. Prior to this, Sangi Si brothers and sisters and An Saiqi siblings have appeared in this field, but no one can copy the Safin brothers and sisters such appeal, when they walk together on the tennis court, even Mike Nami stopped his breath ...
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