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在1986年第二届全国晚报科学小品征文中,我发表在《乌鲁木齐晚报》上的《自杀的老鼠和饿毙的狐狸》获得了一等奖,受到评委会奖励。在全国性征文活动中获奖,我这是第二次。两次征文的获奖,既是荣誉,更是鞭策。没有新疆的大漠风光对我的哺育,就不可能有我的获奖作品。我是在十年前开始业余科普创作的。1976年,应《地理知识》杂志社之约,和夏训诚同志合作,写了《吐鲁番盆地》一文,发表在当年的第九期 In the essay of the Second Scientific Evening of the National Evening Post in 1986, the “Suicide Mouse and Hungry Fox” I published in Urumqi Evening News won the first prize and was rewarded by the jury. In the national essay winners, this is my second. The two essay winners, both honor, but also spur. Without the desert scenery in Xinjiang to my nurturing, it is impossible to have my winning entries. I started amateur popular science creation a decade ago. In 1976, at the invitation of Geographical Knowledge magazine, in collaboration with Comrade Xia Xuncheng, he wrote a paper titled Turpan Basin published in the ninth issue of the current year
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