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韩庆恂(1913—2001),男,山东省即墨市店集镇枣行村人,1933年经本村族兄韩庆堂介绍进入国民党杭州警官学校特训班培训学习。1934年毕业后,正式跨入军统大门,步入了特务生涯。期间,韩庆恂曾经给军统特务头子戴笠当过内勤、警卫、上校特务组组长,还担任过常德警察局督察等职。1949年韩庆恂到当时的即东县人民政府投案自首。十一届三中全会以后,任即墨县第五、六、七、八届政协委员。从1992年开始,笔者就开始对韩庆恂老人进行专访,他陆续地讲述了自己十六年的军统生涯。在国民党的军统组织里,韩庆恂是个不上不下的角色,最高军衔是上校特务组组长。但他从加入军统到弃暗投明的这十六年时间里,一直跟随戴笠左右,参与和亲眼目睹了军统特务们绑架、暗杀、勾心斗角的内幕。他亲历了羁押张学良将军,参与过追杀汪精卫、刺杀林伯生以及长沙剿匪整军等事件,饱尝了当特务的辛酸苦辣,目睹了尔虞我诈的军统内幕。本文详细记录了韩庆恂十六年的军统生涯。 Han Qingtong (1913-2001), male, Zaohang Village, Jimo City, Shandong Province. In 1933, Han Qingtang, a fellow brother of this village, was introduced to the special training course of the Hangzhou Police Academy of the Kuomintang. After graduating in 1934, officially entered the military gate, entered the spy career. During the period, Han Qingli once served as head of military secretarial Dai Li served as internal staff, security guard, colonel spy team leader, also served as Changde police inspector and other staff. In 1949, Han Qingtao turned himself into the then-present People’s Government of Jiedong County. After the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, he was the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth CPPCC members in Jimo County. Since 1992, the author began an exclusive interview with Han Qing 恂 elderly, he gradually told about his 16 years of military career. In the Kuomintang’s military organization, Han Kyung-恂 is a good player. The highest rank is the chief of the colonel’s spy agency. However, during the 16 years he joined the military forces and abandoned the dark proclamation, he followed Dai Li and participated in and witnessed the insider’s abduction, assassination and intrigue. He witnessed General Zhang Hsueh-liang in custody, participated in the killings of Wang Jingwei, assassination of Lin Bensheng and the entire army of Changsha banditry and other incidents, and had a taste of the bitterness of the spies and witnessed intrigues of intrigues. This article records in detail 16 years of Han Qingli’s military career.
据说小说写得更好,我看了电影没有看小说。电影很细腻,属于女导演特有的那种感觉,马俪文很有感觉,我很爱她。但电影让我觉得很悲,心里一直郁积着某种无法排遣的感觉。 It is
A Mr Brown was once lying in bed when a man entered his room andtried to open the lock of the writing desk.The thief was sure that MrBrown was asleep but he was
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初听《丑女贝蒂》这个名字你也许会觉得耳熟,其实,这部电视剧改编自拍摄于1999年的同名哥伦比亚电视剧。 At first glance, “Ugly Betty,” the name you may feel familia