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随着暖冬现象不断出现,小麦田麦蜘蛛越冬基数逐年增加,加上其虫体较小,易被忽视,逐渐由次要害虫上升为主要害虫。它以刺吸式口器刺吸小麦叶片汁液危害,造成受害麦叶出现针刺状白斑,严重时整张叶片呈灰白色,逐渐变黄、枯萎、死亡,造成减产。对麦蜘蛛虫量较高的麦田,要及时施药防治。可在麦蜘蛛若螨低龄期用1.8%阿维菌素乳油5000~6000倍液,或15%哒螨灵乳油2000~ With the appearance of warm winter, the number of wheat spiders overwintering in the wheat field increased year by year. With its small insect body, it was easily neglected and gradually increased from the secondary insect to the major insect. It punctured sucking mouthparts thorn sucking the juice of wheat leaf juice, resulting in acupuncture white wheat infected leaves appear serious, the entire leaf was gray, gradually yellow, withered, died, resulting in reduced production. Wheat spiders on the higher amount of wheat fields, the timely application of pesticide control. May spider mite spider mite at a low age with 1.8% avermectin EC 5000 ~ 6000 times, or 15% pyridaben EC 2000 ~
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