
来源 :中国海上油气.工程 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:godmouse
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如何利用漂移规律来控制方位,是一项重要的研究课题。本文根据方位漂移的基本特征,提出了三维定向井设计的新方法。在井眼轨道的描述模型、设计方法和设计结果等方面,它与常规的二维剖面设计存在着显著的差异。该方法可以确定出定向方位等参数,并给出漂移轨道的实际描述,从而为钻井实践提供真正意义上的理论指导。通过理论分析、计算机计算和设计实例验证了该方法适用于各种圆弧形定向井剖面。 How to use the drift rule to control the position is an important research topic. Based on the basic characteristics of azimuth drift, this paper proposes a new method of 3D directional well design. In the wellbore trajectory description model, design method and design results, it has a significant difference from the conventional two-dimensional profile design. The method can determine parameters such as orientation and orientation, and gives a practical description of the drift orbit to provide a true theoretical guidance for drilling practice. Through theoretical analysis, computer calculation and design examples verify that this method is suitable for a variety of arc-shaped directional well profiles.
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