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2011年3~8月间,郭齐勇、温伟耀、赵林三位教授先后就“中西文化的历史源流与主流形态的确立”、“儒学和基督教对中西传统社会的影响”、“中西文化的现代化转型”等主题进行了三轮富于建设性的对谈。在对谈过程中,三位教授通过对中西文化发展演进的历史脉络的梳理,展现了一种宏观和长程的文化大视野。与学术界以往所进行的中西文化对话不同,本次对谈的学术特色主要表现为如下三点:第一,在方法论上,将儒学和基督教这两种主流精神形态放在中西文化的历史背景中进行系统性的考察,运用有机论而非机械论的视角来探溯儒学和基督教的生长、发展和转型历程,从而使中西文化呈现为两个具有不同生长节律和精神特质的生命体。第二,在侧重点上,注重思想学说与社会历史的互动,突破哲学与史学之间的限制,着眼于中西文化发展的大趋势,而不拘泥于片面琐细的概念之争。第三,在价值观上,尽可能保持一种客观中立的态度,避免进行中西文化孰优孰劣的简单判断,以一种批判和自我批判的精神来反思两种文化不同发展阶段的基本特点。三位教授以博学缜思为根底,完全采取一种现场对谈的方式,挥洒自如地把中西文化的历史演进和精神内涵揭示出来,表现出一种大气磅礴的思想力度。本期刊载的这组以“中西文化的现代化转型”为主题的文章,就是三位教授在第三轮对谈中的主题发言,他们在一种文化大视野的宏观框架中,深刻地反思了中西文化在现代化转型过程中的艰难际遇和辩证历程。 From March to August 2011, three professors Guo Qi Yong, Wen Weiyao and Zhao Lin successively talked about the historical origins and mainstream forms of Chinese and Western cultures, the influence of Confucianism and Christianity on the traditional Chinese and Western cultures, Modern transformation “and other topics carried out three rounds of constructive dialogue. During the course of the talks, the three professors showed a macroscopic and long-range cultural vision through the combing of the historical context of the evolution of Chinese and Western cultures. Different from the traditional dialogue between China and the West conducted by academia, the academic characteristics of this dialogue are mainly as follows: First, in terms of methodology, the two mainstream spiritual forms of Confucianism and Christianism are placed in the historical background of Chinese and Western cultures In order to trace the growth, development and transformation of Confucianism and Christianity from the perspective of organicism rather than mechanics, so as to make Chinese and Western cultures present as two living beings with different growth rhythms and spiritual traits. Second, focusing on the interaction between ideological doctrine and social history, breaking through the limitations between philosophy and historiography, we should focus on the general trend of the development of Chinese and Western cultures without sticking to one-sided and trivial conceptual disputes. Third, as far as possible, we should maintain an objective and neutral attitude and avoid simplistic judgments on the merits of Chinese and Western cultures. In a spirit of criticism and self-criticism, we should reflect on the basic characteristics of the two stages of development in different cultures. The three professors, basing themselves on learned thinking and thoroughly adopting a live-talk method, unveiled the historical evolution and spiritual connotation of Chinese and Western cultures with ease and demonstrated a magnificent idea. This set of articles entitled ”Modern Transformation of Chinese and Western Cultures" in this issue is the keynote address of the three professors in the third round of talks. They are deeply rooted in a macroscopic framework of cultural vision Reflections on the hardships and dialectical course of the Chinese and Western cultures in the process of modernization.