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研究考察目前职业技术教育的现状,一些问题亟需引起关注。一、招生竞争不规范有的学校尽管口头上讲职业教育要服务于社会经济的发展,以社会效益为主,然而在实际操作中,他们着眼于职业技术学校的高收费,奉行的是“有生源就有财源”,因而导致近几年来“招生大战”硝烟四起,经久不息。相当一部分职业技术学校片面理解招生工作方面的竞争原则,每年四五月份便出动人马,四处游说拉生源。1.出资觅取名册,奇货可居。买得应届初中毕业生的名单、通讯录,争先发出大批“录取”通知书。有个计划招收40名学生的职业学校就发了8000多份信函,先发预备通 Study the current status of vocational and technical education, some issues need urgent attention. First, the competition is not standardized enrollment Some schools, while oral vocational education to serve the social and economic development, mainly to social benefits, but in practice, they focus on the high fees of vocational and technical schools, the implementation of “Yes Students have financial resources ”, resulting in recent years,“ Admissions World War ”smoke everywhere, prolonged. A considerable number of vocational and technical schools understand the principle of competition in enrollment work one by one. Every April and May every year, they launch their own troops and lobby lobbies. 1. Funding to find a roster, odd goods can be living. Buy the list of graduating junior high school graduates, address book, first to issue a large number of “admission” notice. There are over 8,000 letters sent by a vocational school that plans to recruit 40 students, starting with preparatory links
本文以荆门市图书馆为例,分析了中小型公共图书馆在免费开放时代,如何开展延伸服务以提升图书馆的社会形象。 Taking Jingmen City Library as an example, this article an
1992年7月《俄罗斯联邦教育法》问世。它赋予俄罗斯教育系统(其中包括职教)以全新的概念,组织方式和管理制度。 一、职教改革的基本内容 1、关于职教系统的概念 按照《教育
每天吃同一种水果,小心掉入令人厌烦的水果循环。为什么不尝试新的营养丰富而又没见过的水果呢? Eat the same fruit daily and be careful about the annoying fruit cycle
在生活中,你有什么缺点并不那么重要,重要的是有人理解你。 In life, what are your shortcomings is not so important, it is important that someone understand you.