
来源 :中国妇幼保健 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yongqiangdd
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目的:了解大学生对婚前医学检查(婚检)的态度,为完善国家婚检制度提供科学依据。方法:随机抽取大学生488人,采用结构式匿名问卷对婚检的态度进行调查,数据采用SPSS13.0软件包进行统计分析。结果:大学生对婚检内容不大了解,但83.6%的人认为婚检是一种很有必要的健康检查,66.0%的人认为新生儿出生缺陷率上升与取消强制婚检有一定的关系,35.2%的人赞同应该恢复强制婚检;69.1%的人认为应该用更人性化的婚检取代强制婚检,96.3%的人表示如果实施免费自己将会主动参加婚检;96.9%的人表示希望了解更多的婚育保健及婚检知识。结论:婚检是一项非常重要的工作,政府应加强政策引导,提高婚检质量和广大群众接受婚检的自觉性,发挥婚检在优生优育事业中的积极作用。 Objective: To understand college students premarital medical examination (premarital) attitude, to improve the national premarital examination system to provide a scientific basis. Methods: A total of 488 college students were randomly selected and the anonymous questionnaire was used to investigate the premarital attitude. The data were analyzed by SPSS 13.0 software package. Results: The undergraduates did not know much about the premarital examination, but 83.6% believed that premarital examination was a necessary health examination. 66.0% believed that the newborn’s birth defect rate had a certain relationship with the abolishment of forced premarital examination, and 35.2% 69.1% of people think that a more humane premarital examination should be replaced by a more humane premarital examination, and 96.3% of them said they would take the initiative to participate in premarital examination if implemented freely; 96.9% said they would like to know more about marriage and childbirth Health and premarital knowledge. Conclusion: Premarital examination is a very important task. The government should strengthen policy guidance, improve the quality of premarital examination and the conscientiousness of the masses to accept premarital examination, and play an active role in prenatal and postnatal care.
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