Application and Experiment on the Least-action Principle of Explosive Welding of Stainless Steel/Ste

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:konglingdao
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In nature,many physical phenomena follow the least-action principle,which is also abided by the course of explosive welding of stainless steel/steel.The optimal welding interface can be obtained with the least explosive charge by theoretical analysis and interface test.The bonding energy can be acknowledged as the“action”in explosive welding.To minimize the bonding energy,these rules must be followed such as the lower limit of explosive charge,the upper limit of span and the explosive of critical explosion velocity.The principle of least-action is achieved in the course of explosive welding,and the interface will be optimum. In nature, many physical phenomena follow the least-action principle, which is also abided by the course of explosive welding of stainless steel / steel. The optimal welding interface can be obtained with the least explosive charge by theoretical analysis and interface test. Bonding energy can be acknowledged as the “action ” in explosive welding. minimize the bonding energy, these rules must be such as the lower limit of explosive charge, the upper limit of span and the explosive of critical explosion velocity. of least-action is achieved in the course of explosive welding, and the interface will be optimum.
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