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  申请信(application letter)是在求职和留学时常使用的一种信件,也是高考书面表达中的一个命题方向,实用性极强。其语言应该简洁、明确,如实地反映写信人的才能、成绩、愿望和目标。这种信既要令人印象深刻,又不能给人以浮夸不实之感,所以拿捏语言很重要。
  1. 常用词汇
  (1) 话题词汇
  advertisement;position/post,apply for/application/applicant,candidate/consult,inquire/enquire,thankful/appreciative/grateful,interview;communicate,opportunity,major in/graduate from,be good at .../do well in .../be experienced in .../be well acquainted with .../have a good knowledge/command/understanding of ...,in one’s spare/free time,consider/take ... into consideration,look forward to ...。
  (2) 衔接词汇
  in addition (to),additionally,besides,furthermore,moreover,what’s more,certainly,obviously,indeed,especially,particularly,in particular,truly,in fact,not only ... but also ...,as well as。
  2. 常用句式
  (1) 开篇句式
  I’m writing to inquire about the possibility of ...
  I’m writing this letter to express my interest in ...
  I’m writing to apply for the post/position as ...
  I’m writing to recommend myself as a qualified candidate for ...
  I’m writing to tell you that I’m suitable for the job you are advertising ...
  I’m good at ..., especially ...
  Not only do I have a good understanding of ...,but also I am well acquainted with ...
  Approachable and helpful, I’m easy to get along with.
  Young as I am, I have much relevant experience in ... and ...
  I’m hardworking and dedicated, enjoying ...
  I hope you will be kind enough to consider my application.
  I would appreciate it a lot if you could offer me a precious opportunity to an interview.
  Thank you for your consideration and I’m looking forward to getting your favorable reply.
  Giving me the chance, you’ll never regret having made the decision.
  3. 写作模板
  Dear Sir or Madam,
  When learning from the advertisement/newspaper that ,I feel really interested in and I am writing to apply .(信息来源,并说明自己感兴趣)
  I’m , a year old , who . I’m good at , especially . Furthermore, not only do I have a good knowledge of , but also I am well acquainted with . Most importantly, I enjoy and have much experience in . Undoubtedly, I am a suitable candidate for . (个人情况介绍,能胜任的原因)   Thank you for your consideration and I’m looking forward to your favorable reply. (表明期望)
  Yours truthfully,
  1. 自我介绍(年龄、性别);
  2. 英语水平(口语表达能力等);
  3. 特殊优势(相关经历、对当地景点的了解、沟通能力);
  4. 你的承诺。
  Dear Sir or Madam,
  I’m very glad to know that China International Tourism Festival will be held in our city next month. I’d like to be an English tour guide for the festival.
  ①My name is Li Hua. I’m a boy of 18. I’m a senior 3 student in a local school. I believe I can do a good job for the festival. First of all, ②I’m good at English and I can speak English fluently. Secondly, ③I’m fond of traveling and I’ve worked as an English tour guide at several great festivals before. Most importantly, ④I know our local tourist spots quite well and I’m good at communicating with others.
  I promise I’ll try my best to offer my best service to the travelers from all over the world. I would be happy if I could be chosen as a tour guide.
  Looking forward to your early reply.
  Li Hua
  1. 完全完成了试题规定的任务,覆盖所有主要内容,即试题中呈现的要点:自我介绍(self-introduction), 英语水平(English level), 特殊优势(special advantages over others)以及承诺(promise)。
  2. 文中运用的衔接词First of all, Secondly, Most importantly使得文章层次分明,全文结构紧凑。
  3. 语法结构或词汇方面应用基本准确,达到了预期的写作目的。尤其是表明能力的时候,分别用了I’m good at ... 和 I’m fond of ... ,尽量避免了重复表达。
  文中①处三个简单句其实可以构成一个完整意群,属于个人基本信息介绍,完全可改成I’m Li Hua, a boy of 18, (who is) a senior 3 student in a local school.或者My name is Li Hua, an 18-year-old senior 3 boy student in a local school. 这样更简洁、完整。
  文中②处是由and连接的并列句,主语相同, 可以采用形容词短语作状语来增强句子的表达,即:Good at English, I can speak English quite fluently。
  文中③处也是由and连接的两个并列句,属于个人爱好和经历,可以用上not only ... but also ...句式。即:Not only am I fond of traveling but also I’ve worked as an English tour guide at several great festivals before. 这样兼顾了信息和高级句式。
  文中④处也存在②③处的问题,但为使表达灵活多变,同时增加信件本身的说服力,可以补充申请者是“当地人”这一信息,同时用现在分词作状语含蓄体现了申请者“优秀的沟通能力”,让习作内外兼修(既体现要点,又美化表达)。即:As a native of this city, I know our local tourist spots quite well, making it easier for me to fully display my excellent ability of communicating with others.   修改之后习作如下:
  Dear Sir or Madam,
  I’m very glad to know that China International Tourism Festival will be held in our city next month. I’d like to be an English tour guide for the festival.
  My name is Li Hua, an 18-year-old senior 3 boy student in a local school. I believe I can do a good job for the festival. First of all, good at English, I can speak English quite fluently. Secondly, not only am I fond of traveling but also I’ve worked as an English tour guide at several great festivals before. Most importantly, as a native of this city, I know our local tourist spots quite well, making it easier for me to fully display my excellent ability of communicating with others.
  I promise I’ll try my best to offer my best service to the travelers from all over the world. I would be happy if I could be chosen as a tour guide.
  Looking forward to your early reply.
  Li Hua
  Dear Sir or Madam,
  Knowing that China International Tourism Festival will be held in our city next month, I cannot wait to apply to be an English tour guide for the festival.
  I am Li Hua,① an 18-year-old boy student in a local high school. As an English lover,②not only do I have a good knowledge of this language, but also I have developed a great fluency in it. Additionally, I’ve worked as an English tour guide before,③accumulating much experience and knowing how to communicate with tourists. ④What matters most is that I, brought up here, am well acquainted with local tourist spots and traditional customs, ⑤which makes me a perfect choice.
  I promise I’ll spare no efforts to offer my best service to the travelers and you’ll never regret having approved my application.
  Looking forward to your early reply.
  Li Hua
  1. 完全完成了试题规定的任务,覆盖所有内容要点,即试题中呈现的要点。
  2. 有效地使用了语句间的连接成分(如:not only…but also, additionally),使全文结构紧凑,一气呵成。
  3. 应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,具备很强的语言运用能力。
  词汇表达精炼到位,神形兼备。如:cannot wait to ...,as an English lover, developed a great fluency,accumulate much experience, be well acquainted with,spare no efforts,regret having approved。
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