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法治军工的基础是实现国防科技工业领域的有法可依,关键是实现国防科技工业领域政府主管部门的依法行政,重点是从事国防科研生产活动主体的依法治企党的十八届四中全会作出了“全面推进依法治国”的重大决策部署,确立了“建设中国特色社会主义法治体系,建设社会主义法治国家”的总目标。依法治国是党领导人民治理国家的基本方略,法治是我们党在新时期领导人民治国理政的基本方式。我国的各项事业要在党的领导下,依照宪法和法律规定进行,充分发挥法治在国家治理和社会管理中的作用。在国防科 The key to the rule of law and military work is to realize the law and order in the field of national defense science and technology industry. The key is to realize the administration according to law by the competent government departments in the field of national defense science and technology. The focus is on the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Party that is the main body of national defense scientific research and production activities, Made a major policy decision of “comprehensively promoting the rule of law in accordance with the law” and established the general goal of “building a socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics and building a socialist country ruled by law.” Governing the country according to law is the basic strategy for the party to lead the people in administering the country. The rule of law is the basic method by which our party leads the people in managing state affairs in the new era. Under the leadership of the party, various undertakings in our country should be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and laws and give full play to the role of the rule of law in state administration and social administration. In the Defense Section
壹  与众不同  爱琴去财务室对账,看到豆苗时不时地摸她的鼻子下方。  爱琴:“豆苗,你不舒服吗?”  豆苗:“这地方疼得厉害。”  爱琴一脸坏笑,说道:“又骂人啦。”  豆苗:“没有,刮胡子啦。”  爱琴摇摇头说:“豆苗,这世间的女子千千万,唯有你与众不同。”(爱琴)贰  长豇与黄河  辉哥正在忙手头工作,突然手机铃声响起。他赶紧接起电话,笑眯眯地说:“喂,老婆,啥事?”  电话的那头,一个温柔
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