6 coolest jobs in the world 世界上最酷的6种工作

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  Fancy being paid to live on a private island? Or for sleeping? This is not a dream! There are actually such cool jobs in the world! Sad to say, they are in very short supply. But one can always dream, right? Here are 6 coolest jobs in the world!
  Professional sleeper
  You can work as a bed tester and spend the day sleeping on the job under different room conditions, followed by writing reviews about the bed or suggesting improvements. Another option is to participate in experiments where you will be “forced” to sleep for certain number of hours or even days! The doctors would then monitor your physical and mental states for changes. Besides the obvious bene?fit of sleeping your days away, you are also actually helping to improve products.
  Movie critic
  You will be watching movies in cinemas and writing reviews about them. Also, you would be required to categorize them according to themes, tag the character to their traits and flag any shows for caution and debate. Definitely, it is a dream job if youre crazy about movies.
  Water slide tester
  Do you love thrills? If so, this job is for you! The responsibili?ties include testing slides and reviewing factors like how excited you feel. You would often be required to travel to different countries as well.
  Seat filler
  All you have to do for this job is fill up empty seats during award shows such as at the Academy Awards for aesthetic(审美的) purposes. Sounds good? Sadly, there are lots of non?disclosure(非公开的) agreements you have to sign, meaning that you probably wont be able to talk to the actor or actress that sits beside you.
  Live?stream eater
  Popular in the Republic of Korea, live?stream eaters would often consume large quantities of food for hours, eating as loudly as they can, which suggests that the food they eat is tasty. They would also be required to engage with the online audience.
  Private island caretaker
  If you love the sun, sand and the sea, this job is for you! Caretakers will write blog articles and photo journals about their experience. Some jobs may also require you to do some basic housekeeping or maintenance work.
  Apart from the cool jobs mentioned in the text, can you think of any other jobs that seem cool?
  Match the underlined part of each sentence on the left with the words or expressions with similar meanings on the right.
  1. Sorry, I dont feel like going out tonight.
  2. Because of its high cost, a carpet isnt an item that
  you change whenever you like.
  3. The government is watching the situation closely.
  4. Daniel stole out of the room when no one was looking.
  5. Each bird was tagged and released into the wild.
  6. Ive marked the parts I want to comment on.
  A. as the fancy takes you
  B. flagged
  C. attached a tag
  D. fancy
  E. monitoring
  F. slid
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【摘 要】   电大专门设计的学习资源主要有文字教材和网络课程。本文以福建广播电视大学四门精品课程为例,分别探讨了文字教材和网络课程的设计原则和要求,以及建设高质量学习资源的六个关键问题。  【关键词】 学习资源;设计要素;文字教材;网络课程    【中图分类号】G423【文献标识码】B【文章编号】 1009—458x(2011)10—0065—05  学习资源是指在学习环境中,可用于学习的一切资
【摘 要】  开放教育资源的初衷是向整个国际社会开放获取教育资源的途径。虽然用意良好,国际上对开放教育资源的质量标准有共识,必不可少的技术基础设施也已具备,但是开放教育资源的实际使用尚未达到临界阈值。这种局面在很大程度上与教育工作者创建开放教育资源的目的有关,即他们是否是为自己的教学而制作资源以满足教学需要?这个问题与具体教学环境息息相关,现有各种质量标准似乎缺乏解决方案。即使正式质量能得到保证,
【摘 要】  总的看来,远程教育课程和资格证书的质量名声不佳,因此远程教育机构、学生和员工经常不得不克服这种负面评价。有诸多挑战影响远程开放e-learning声誉,本文分析其中的五种:教学、学习和质量保证过程的质量,学习成效,教学法,学习机会,以及学生、员工和雇主的看法。文章最后对远程开放e-learning目前以及未来的发展进行反思。我们认为很多挑战在大多数背景下已经或能够得以解决;这些挑战也