
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(儿科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tshanyf
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A male infant was found to have a large congenital hepatic cyst,first noted in late gestation by prenatal ultrasound scan. The cyst communicated with the biliary tree and was eventually removed completely by an extended right hepatectomy. Histopathologic examination showed a thick-walled, unilocular cyst lined predominantly by ciliated, stratified squamous epithelium with an outer wall composed of smooth muscle cells and fibrous tissue.These features are diagnostic of a ciliated hepatic foregut cyst,a rare congenital malformation with histologic similarities to bronchogenic cysts. The young age of our patient, prenatal detection, large size of the cyst, and a clear communication with the biliary tree have not been previously described with ciliated hepatic foregut cysts. A cyst communicated with the biliary tree and was eventually removed completely by an extended right hepatectomy. Histopathologic examination showed a thick-walled, unilocular cyst lined predominantly by ciliated, stratified squamous epithelium with an outer wall composed of smooth muscle cells and fibrous tissue. these features are diagnostic of a ciliated hepatic foregut cyst, a rare congenital malformation with histologic similarities to bronchogenic cysts. The young age of our patient , prenatal detection, large size of the cyst, and a clear communication with the biliary tree have not been previously described with ciliated hepatic foregut cysts.
Intel准备生产新型处理器Intel准备采用更复杂的制造技术以保证能显著提高所有类型硬件的性能,使推动计算机行业快速增长的处理器继续在未来若干年内保持强劲势头。据Intel执行副总裁Paul Otellini说,Intel将于
目的 探讨修复义眼台植入术後义眼台暴露的手术方法。方法充分松解筋膜组织後分层直接缝合 异体巩膜覆盖加结膜转移瓣修补。取出义眼台,择期再手术。结果 19例均获满意疗效,
新春寄语(l)全面推进“绿色证书工程”·····4……(l)切实加强农作物种子标准化工作…(l)加快郴州农业产业化步伐·······一(2)江泽民总书记强调:要比以往任 何时
采用梯形栅结构和难熔金属钼栅工艺 ,研制出了高性能 ,低电压工作 ,适用于移动通信的甚高频功率VDMOS场效应晶体管 .该器件在 175 MHz、 12 V低电压工作条件下 ,输出功率为 1
11月     Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa   《马达加斯加2:逃往非洲》    ●Director导演:Eric Darnell 埃瑞克·达尼尔  Tom McGrath汤姆·迈克格拉斯  ●Actors主演:Chris Rock克里斯·洛克  Ben Stiller 本·斯蒂勒   Jada Pinkett Smith贾达·萍克·史密斯  ●Genre类型:Come
章耀,祖居湖州荻港,1963年生于浙江海宁。初从沈红茶先生学画,又先后师从姜宝林、孙永先生,并得到曾宓、陆康先生的指点。现为中国美术家协会会员、徐邦达艺术馆馆长。出版有《21世纪优秀艺术家画集·章耀》、《章耀画集》,《四时花雨·章耀卷》、《章耀、金心明书画合册》。    画画的大多同普通人一样对待自己的画比较宽容,对别人的画比较挑剔,我也不例外。都说:“人要严以律己,宽以待人。”我暗自思忖,画画倒