Simulation of the Cracking and Ablation Behavior of Ferrosiliceous and Siliceous Nuclear Sacrificial

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bingyuziqi
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We investigated the simulation of the cracking and ablation behavior of ferro-siliceous and siliceous nuclear sacrificial concretes. To this end, four type of sacrificial concretes were fabricated, i e, the ferro-siliceous(F) and siliceous(S) plain concretes, and the polypropylene fiber reinforced concretes of the above two(FF, SF). The cracking and ablation behaviors of the sacrificial concretes were investigated by simulation tests, and the simulated elevated temperature was obtained by means of thermite powder. The number and the width of the cracks were compared and the pore size distribution of sacrificial concretes was measured. In addition, the interface and chemical composition of melt at different positions were analyzed, and the ablation depth of the sacrificial concrete crucibles was also measured. It was found that the siliceous concrete shows to be more prone to cracking than the ferro-siliceous concrete due to the higher content of fly ash and lower water to binder ratio; though the ablation depth of siliceous concrete is found to be slightly larger, no clear difference can be detected for the basemat ablation rate. We investigated the simulation of the cracking and ablation behavior of ferro-siliceous and siliceous nuclear sacrificial concretes. To this end, four type of sacrificial concretes were fabricated, ie, the ferro-siliceous (F) and siliceous (S) plain concretes, and the polypropylene fiber reinforced concretes of the above two (FF, SF). The cracking and ablation behaviors of the sacrificial concretes were investigated by simulation tests, and the simulated elevated temperature was obtained by means of thermite powder. The number and the width of the cracks were compared and the pore size distribution of sacrificial concretes was measured. It is found that the siliceous concrete shows to be more prone to cracking than the ferro-siliceous concrete due to the higher content of fly ash and lower water to binder ratio; though the ablation depth of siliceous concrete is found to be slightly larger, no clear difference can be detected for the basemat ablation rate.
自己动手做玩具,是一件十分有趣的事。下面介绍的这种玩具新颖别致,简单易做,小朋友可以自己学着做,做成后一起玩儿。  材料和工具:  卡纸、胶水、铅笔、剪刀。  制作步骤:  1. 按图在卡纸上画一长条纸,剪下来。将0.5厘米的实线剪开,沿虚线向下折成直角。再将长条纸粘制成一个圆框,按4等分画4个箭头,涂上颜色(如图1)。  2. 在卡纸上画3个圆,分成16等分,剪下后再按图箭头所指实线剪开,沿虚线
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海渔分枝杆菌(Mycobacterium marinum)于1926年被发现,能对150种海水或淡水鱼致病,此后,发现对人类亦有致病性。海渔分枝杆菌属寄生性,可分布于海水和淡水,人因接触而被感染