
来源 :河北农业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zxd80509
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C_4 102—5冬小麦新品系为河北省农科院粮油作物所于1977年用普里美比/墨伊的后代做母本、泰山5号做父本,经有性杂交选育而成,1981年出圃。一、特征特性幼苗浓绿,半匍匐。半冬性,分蘖力强,蘖大整齐,成穗率高。株高85厘米左右,秸秆有韧性,抗倒伏性较强。旗叶较短,上冲,脂质少。穗纺锤形,大而整齐,长芒、白壳、白粒,千粒重40克左右。成熟早,比冀麦七号早4—5天。籽粒较饱满。抗条锈,轻感叶锈及白粉病。二、试验情况在1984-1987年的翼中南高肥区品比试验中,亩产374.7—491.2公斤,分别比对照增产16.4%和7.5%。1988年在省级以上的试验中,C_4 102—5获六个第一名。亩产510.13-557.1公斤,分别比 C_4 102-5 winter wheat new lines for the Hebei Academy of Agricultural Sciences, grain and oil crops in 1977 with the Primus / Moi offspring as the female parent Taishan 5 as the male parent, after sexual intercropping bred, 1981 Out garden. First, the characteristics of seedlings dark green, semi-prostrate. Semi-winter, strong tillering, large tidy, spike rate. Height of about 85 cm, straw toughness, lodging resistance. Flag leaf shorter, on the red, lipid less. Spindle spindle shape, large and tidy, long-mans, white shell, white tablets, grain weight 40 grams. Early maturity, earlier than Jimmy seven 4-5 days. More full grain. Stripe rust, light leaf rust and powdery mildew. Second, the test situation In 1984-1987 wing of the South high-fat product ratio test, per mu 374.7-491.2 kg, respectively, 16.4% and 7.5% more yield than the control. 1988 in the provincial test above, C_4 102-5 won six first place. 510.13-557.1 kg per mu, respectively
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