1959年10月底,毛泽东带读书小组成员陈伯达、胡绳、田家英、邓立群在杭州南屏的一间会议室里,为解决国内外一些问题有针对性地读书。 1958年8月的北戴河政治局扩大会议后,大办钢铁的群众运动和人民公社化运动在全国掀起高潮,严重地破坏了国民经济,搞乱了人们的思想。中国的经济建设到底应该怎么搞?毛泽东想到了苏
By the end of October 1959, Mao Zedong took Chen Boda, Hu Sheng, Tian Jiaying, Deng Liqun, members of a reading group, in a conference room in Nanping, Hangzhou to study in a targeted manner to solve some problems at home and abroad. After the enlarged meeting of the Political Bureau of Beidaihe in August 1958, the mass-movement of iron and steel and the movement of people’s communes greatly took a nationwide climax, seriously damaging the national economy and messing up people’s thinking. What should China’s economic construction do? Mao thought of the Soviet Union