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在提倡养生的今天,很多人对素食越来越感兴趣。甚至有人认为,一切疾病都是由于过食荤性食物造成的。植物性食品确实可以降低胆固醇和饱和脂肪酸的摄入量,防止胆固醇进入血液,减少肥胖病、高胆固醇血症和冠心病的发生,保持人体酸碱平衡。但是,最新研究表明,素食不利于强身健体。临床医学研究显示,长期素 In advocating health, many people are more and more interested in vegetarian food. Some even think that all diseases are caused by eating too much food. Botanical foods can indeed reduce cholesterol and saturated fatty acid intake, prevent cholesterol into the blood, reduce obesity, hypercholesterolemia and coronary heart disease, maintain the body’s acid-base balance. However, the latest research shows that vegetarian does not help keep fit. Clinical research shows that long-term factors
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