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一个活跃于男、女间的奇女子。她,身材娇小玲珑,却不掩精明能干的工作态度。她,面貌柔美,却不造成领导学生的障碍。她,声音甜美,但发号施令却依然威严有神,她训练学生的积极态度,更是令人击节称赏。所以,能成为士商的奇女子,并不为过。她就是——许紫云组长。您一定很好奇,组长是如何兼顾家庭和忙碌的工作呢?组长神秘地向我们透露秘诀——“利用时间”。在学校,她有角色就是卫生组长,秉着负责的心去做好每件事。“我承诺要做,不管多累,都会尽力去做好。”可见组长是个重信诺的人,也可说是,狮子座的顽固性格吧!回到家,她又摇身一变,变成了温柔的母狮子,组长甚至甜蜜地表示,将来会因政府的政策,生两个小孩,并且将不会刻意塑造孩子,而是完全以孩子的兴趣为主,自己再从旁鼓励、教导。看来师丈是娶了一位贤妻良母啊! A strange woman who is active in men and women. She, petite and exquisite, did not hide her smart work attitude. She has a soft face but does not create obstacles to leading students. She has a sweet voice, but she is still awesome, but her positive attitude in training students is even more rewarding. Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to be a strange woman who can become a merchant. She is the head of Xu Ziyun. You must be curious about how the team leader reconciles the family and the busy work. The head of the team secretly disclosed to us the secret “use of time”. At school, she has the role of head of health, and she is responsible for everything. “I promise to do it. No matter how tired I am, I will try my best to do it well.” It is obvious that the team leader is a person who believes in loyalty, and it can also be said that Leo’s stubborn character! When she returns home, she transforms herself into a gentle mother. The lion, the team leader, even sweetly stated that in the future, two children will be born because of the government’s policy, and they will not deliberately shape the children. Instead, they will mainly rely on the interest of the children and encourage and teach them from the side. It seems that Shi Zhang is married to a good wife and mother!
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