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新课标要求初中学生能够写出具有真情实感的文章。作为中考的半壁江山,中考作文如何出彩,是每位教师在新课标指导下积极思考的一个重要问题。在平时的教学中,我们注重学生写作能力的培养,通过观察近几年的中考写作试题,我们也逐渐得到了一些规律。一、拟题——明眸善睐亮全篇题目是展示文章精华的部分,文章成功与否,与题目关系很大。怎样根据文题的要求,结合自身的实际来拟题呢?首先,联系材料选角度。就是在拟题时对话题材料提示语进行发散性思考后,通过比较选一个较好的角度。其次,扣住文体选表述。就是结合所 The new curriculum requirements for junior high school students to write articles with real feelings. As one half of the senior high school entrance examination, how to write the essay in the college entrance essay is an important issue that every teacher thinks positively under the guidance of the new curriculum standard. In normal teaching, we pay attention to the cultivation of students’ writing skills. By observing the test questions of senior high school entrance examinations in recent years, we gradually get some rules. First, the proposed title - bright eyes favor bright The whole article is to showcase the essence of the article, the article is successful or not, and the topic of great relationship. According to the requirements of the article, combined with their own reality to be the subject of it? First, contact the material selection angle. It is in the proposed title of the topic of information prompt divergent thinking, by comparing the selection of a better perspective. Second, withholds the style selection statement. Is the combination of
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小猪嘟嘟长大了,他离开了妈妈,开始独立生活了。他在山坡上盖了一座又高大又牢固的房子。小猪住进了新房子,这么宽敞的房子真舒服啊!可是没过几天, Piggy grow up, he left
随着素质教育的深人实施,更多的矛头指向了小学高年级的语文教育,尽管很多的专家、学者提出了这样那样的理论,但是面对中高考指挥棒,我们的教师们依然是一头雾水, With the
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Greek myth is a great treasure of human literature treasure house.It affects the western world a lot,especially in literature,English language,pop culture and s