
来源 :吉林人大工作 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huangjl41
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1996年9月,吉林市上千名法官,怀着喜悦的心情,迎来了一位在我国法学界享有很高威望的人士,他就是最高人民法院咨询委员会主任王怀宏。当这位年逾80的老人实地考察完吉林市两级法院审判方式改革工作后,欣然地做出了这样的评价:“吉林市两级法院的审判方式改革工作抓的比较实,不仅提出了改革口号,而且付诸实践,通过强调公开审判、当庭举证、一步到庭,使事实在庭上查清,道理在庭上讲明,~切问题都通过庭审来解决,这是建国以来没有解决的问题,是成功的,审判方式改革取得了一定成效。”欣喜之余,当我们回望这条成功之路时,的确给人们留下了许多借鉴与深思……(一)改革之初,人们对审判方式改革存在着种种疑惑。但是,吉林市 In September 1996, thousands of judges in Jilin City welcomed with joy a person who enjoys a very high prestige in China’s jurisprudence. He is the director of the Supreme People’s Court Advisory Committee Wang Huaihong. When the over 80-year-old man visited the trial work of reforming the trial of two levels of courts in Jilin City, he was pleased to make such an assessment: “The comparison of the reform of trial methods in the two levels of courts in Jilin City does not only put forward Reform the slogan and put it into practice. By emphasizing open trial, giving evidence in court, coming to court in one step and making the facts clear in the court, the truth is stated in court. All the problems have been solved through trial. This is the first time since the founding of the People’s Republic The unresolved issue is a success and the reform of the trial method has yielded some success. ”While we look back on this path of success, we indeed have left many lessons and thoughts for people. (1) Reform At the beginning, people were all puzzled over the reform of trial methods. However, Jilin City
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新会市小冈镇派出所、司法所、人民法庭等政法部门主动上门征求人大代表意见,自觉将执法活动置于人大监督之下,此举值得提倡。 Small town in Xinhui City police station,
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