小麦赤霉病(Gibberella zeae)是长江中下游麦区的主要病害,也是福建省内陆地区小麦生产上的最重要威胁,常年造成严重损失,是我省小麦生产难以大面积发展的主要障碍之一。近几年来,小麦赤霉病有向北方麦区扩展的趋势,有的年份也危及我省闽南沿海平原麦区,因此对赤霉病流行规律的研究具有重大现实意义。本文根据9年定点定品种观察记载的数据,采用逐步回归选择因子的方法,提出适合福建省闽西北地区不同熟期品种小麦赤霉病的预测式,对其它地区的麦类赤霉病测报有一定参考价值。
Gibberella zeae is a major disease in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and it is also the most important threat to the wheat production in inland areas of Fujian Province. It causes serious losses all the year and is a major obstacle to the large-scale development of wheat production in our province one. In recent years, wheat scab has the tendency to expand to the north wheat area, and some years endanger the coastal plain wheat area in southern Fujian province. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to study the epidemic law of scab. Based on the data of 9-year-old fixed-point variety observation and regression-based selection method, this paper presents the predictive formula for Fusarium head blight of different ripening varieties in northwestern Fujian Province, Certain reference value.